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Your query returned 38 results.
- On Particulate Emissions from Individual Trains in Tunnel Environments,
Y. Cha, U. Olofsson, M. Gustafsson and C. Johansson
Paper 29.295 from CCP: 110, ISBN 978-1-905088-65-2 (2016)
- A Discrete Element Method for Composite Material Modeling,
H. Haddad, W. Leclerc, N. Ferguen, M. Guessasma, E. Bellenger, C. Pélegris, V. Sciamanna, N. Maurye, M. Gonon, R. Takapara, M. Duquennoy, G. Martic, L. Seronveaux and C. Courtois
Paper 6.93 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Scale-Size Effects Analysis on Predicting the Mechanical Properties of Periodic Composite Materials,
P.G. Coelho, J.M. Guedes and H.C. Rodrigues
Paper 42.247 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- On the Behavior of Chebyshev's Method applied to Cubic Polynomials,
Á.A. Magreñán, M. García-Olivo and J.M. Gutiérrez
Paper 3.36 from CCP: 105, ISBN 978-1-905088-60-7 (2014)
- The Influence of the Exact Evaluation of Soil Compressibility Properties on the Occurrence of the Limit States,
M. Guri
Paper 29.190 from CCP: 102, ISBN 978-1-905088-57-7 (2013)
- Dynamic Aspects of Damped Newton's Method,
J.M. Gutiérrez, A.A. Magreñán and N. Romero
Paper 5.41 from CCP: 100, ISBN 978-1-905088-55-3 (2012)
- Multiscale Design and Optimization of Bi-Material Laminated Structures,
P.G. Coelho, H.C. Rodrigues and J.M. Guedes
Paper 2.39 from CCP: 99, ISBN 978-1-905088-54-6 (2012)
- The Coupling of Robust Metamodel and Heuristic Methods in Reliability Based Design Optimization,
N. Rabhi, M. Guedri and N. Bouhaddi
Paper 16.206 from CCP: 99, ISBN 978-1-905088-54-6 (2012)
- Ballasted Track Superstructures: Performance of Innovative Railway Sleepers,
M. Guerrieri and D. Ticali
Paper 39 from CCP: 98, ISBN 978-1-905088-53-9 (2012)
- On the Application of Iterative Methods for Geometric Problems,
S. Amat, S. Busquier and J.M. Gutiérrez
Paper 39 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- A Dynamic and Analytical Study of the Damped Newton's Method,
J.M. Gutiérrez, A.A. Magreñán and N. Romero
Paper 40 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- Non Smooth Contact Dynamics Approach for Cohesive Multi-Contact Systems,
H. Haddad, M. Guessasma and J. Fortin
Paper 222 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Multiscale Approach for Modelling the Behaviour of Contact Interfaces,
H. Hamza, S. Dumont, M. Guessasma and J. Fortin
Paper 223 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Reanalysis of Nonlinear Structures using a Reduction Method of Combined Approximations,
M. Guedri, T. Weisser and N. Bouhaddi
Paper 312 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Modelling of the Energy Dissipation Generated by Friction in Granular Flow Using the Discrete Element Method,
V.D. Nguyen, J. Fortin, M. Guessasma, E. Bellenger and P. Coorevits
Paper 18 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Discrete Modelling of the Fragmentation of Granular Media under Compressive Forces: Application to the Grinding Process,
A. Kimbonguila, M. Guessasma, P. Coorevits, J. Fortin and E. Bellenger
Paper 130 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- An Improved Numerical-Experimental Method for Damage Location in Structures,
H.M.R. Lopes, J.V. Araújo dos Santos, C.M. Mota Soares, R.M. Guedes and M.A. Vaz
Paper 15 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008)
- Topology Optimization Based on the Level-Set Method for Passive Damping of Structures,
S. Bouzidi, M.L. Bouazizi, M. Guedri and N. Bouhaddi
Paper 105 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008)
- A Metal Forming Analysis Using the Point Collocation Method with a Boundary Layer of Finite Elements,
Y.M. Guo
Paper 196 from CCP: 84, ISBN 1-905088-11-6 (2006)
- Analysis of Dissipated Energy in Compression Failure by Microbuckling in CFRP: Application to Modelling Crash Absorbers,
J.M. Guimard, O. Allix, N. Pechnik and P. Thevenet
Paper 26 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- Robust Prediction Tools for Variability and Optimization in Structural Mechanics,
M. Guedri, S. Ghanmi, R. Majed and N. Bouhaddi
Paper 37 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- Numerical Modelling of Mechanical Tests Using the Discrete Element Method,
M. Guessasma, J. Fortin and E. Bellenger
Paper 166 from CCP: 83, ISBN 1-905088-08-6 (2006)
- A Solution to Rigid-Plastic Deformation Problems using the Hybrid Element Method,
Y.-M. Guo, Y. Yokouchi and K. Nakanishi
Paper 77 from CCP: 80, ISBN 0-948749-98-9 (2004)
- Modeling of Sandwich Structures and Localisation of 3D Displacements and Stresses,
M. Guessasma, A. Saidi and P. Coorevits
Paper 203 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- Experimental Response and Numerical Simulation of Plates Submitted to Small Mass Impact,
H. Lopes, R.M. Guedes, M.A. Vaz and J.D. Rodrigues
Paper 38 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)
- Object-Oriented Implementation of a Modified Heterosis Plate Finite Element,
J. Balogh, M. Iványi and R.M. Gutkowski
Paper 43 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)
- Axisymmetric Indentation Analyses by the Rigid-Plastic Domain-Boundary Element Method,
Y.-M. Guo and K. Nakanishi
Paper 3.4 from CCP: 66, ISBN 0-948749-68-7 (2000)
- Finite Element Models for the Analysis of Steel and Concrete in Construction,
M. Guo and C.K. Jolly
Paper 13.1 from CCP: 43, ISBN 0-948749-45-8 (1996)
- A Generalized Knowledge Base,
R. Zhang, M. Gu and X. Lui
Paper 2.3 from CCP: 11, ISBN 0-948749-13-X (1989)
- Parallel Implementation of Domain Composition Methods,
G. Houzeaux, J.C. Cajas, B. Eguzkitza and M. Vázquez
Chapter 4 from CSETS: 36, ISBN 978-1-874672-68-5 (2015)
- A Parallel Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver: Implementation Issues,
G. Houzeaux, H. Owen, B. Eguzkitza, C. Samaniego, R. de la Cruz, H. Calmet, M. Vázquez and M. Ávila
Chapter 8 from CSETS: 31, ISBN 978-1-874672-62-3 (2013)
- The Meccano Method for Automatic Three-Dimensional Triangulation and Volume Parametrization of Complex Solids,
R. Montenegro, J.M. Cascón, E. Rodríguez, J.M. Escobar and G. Montero
Chapter 2 from CSETS: 26, ISBN 978-1-874672-48-7 (2010)
- Flexible Multibody Dynamics or Large Rotations in Finite Element Analysis,
J. Ambrósio and M. Augusta Neto
Chapter 7 from CSETS: 25, ISBN 978-1-874672-47-0 (2010)
- Advances in the Meccano Technique for Adaptive Tetrahedral Mesh Generation,
R. Montenegro, J.M. Cascón, E. Rodríguez, G. Cascón and J.M. Escobar
Chapter 12 from CSETS: 20, ISBN 978-1-874672-40-1 (2008)
- Perfectly Matched Discrete Layers for Unbounded Domain Modeling,
M.N. Guddati, K.W. Lim and M.A. Zahid
Chapter 3 from CSETS: 18, ISBN 978-1-874672-30-2 (2008)
- Advances in Mesh Optimisation Based on Algebraic Quality Metrics,
J.M. Escobar, R. Montenegro, G. Montero, E. Rodríguez and J.M. González-Yuste
Chapter 5 from CSETS: 15, ISBN 1-874672-28-8 (2006)
- Wind Field Simulation using Adaptive Tetrahedral Meshes,
R. Montenegro, G. Montero, J.M. Escobar, E. Rodríguez and J.M. González-Yuste
Chapter 8 from CSETS: 13, ISBN 1-874672-24-5 (2005)
- Resolution of Sparse Linear Systems of Equations: the RPK Strategy,
G. Montero, R. Montenegro, J.M. Escobar and E. Rodríguez
Chapter 5 from CSETS: 12, ISBN 1-874672-22-9 (2004)