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Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series
ISSN 1759-3158 CSETS: 39
Chapter 10
Analysis and Design of Membrane Retrofit Concrete Masonry Walls for Blast Loads L.G. Moradi
1 and J.S. Davidson
1Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering
The University of Alabama at Birmingham, United States of America Full Bibliographic Reference for this chapter
L.G. Moradi, J.S. Davidson, "Analysis and Design of
Membrane Retrofit Concrete Masonry
Walls for Blast Loads", in J.W. Bull, (Editor), "Computer Analysis and Design of Masonry Structures", Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 10, pp 279-307, 2017.
Keywords: blast, masonry, membrane retrofit, protection, resistance.
Concrete masonry provides an efficient and effective means to construct exterior infill
walls for buildings of various heights and is widely used worldwide. However, it is
well recognized that unreinforced masonry (URM) walls are vulnerable to blast pressure,
resulting in collapse, fragmentation, and injury to occupants. Over the past two
decades, extensive experimental and analytical research has been conducted on the
behavior and resistance of URM walls retrofitted with methods for increasing out-ofplane
resistance and ductility. These retrofit materials have varied from relatively soft
elastomeric coatings to very stiff composites and metal sheets. Some retrofit materials
were bonded to the masonry wall, which resulted in an integrated system response,
while others were not bonded to the masonry and the membrane simply acted as a barrier
that prevented secondary fragmentation from entering the occupied space. This
chapter presents resistance function definitions developed for membrane retrofit URM
walls. This includes bonded and not-bonded membrane retrofit scenarios, and addresses
arching behavior of the masonry wall and potential variable rotation resistance at
the supports. The resistance functions were further incorporated into single-degree-of-
freedom systems to predict the wall response to blast loads. The accuracy and
applicability of the developed analytical methodology was demonstrated through correlation
to full scale explosion tests involving a wide range of design, geometry, and
material characteristics. The ultimate goal of the research is to provide structural engineers
with a proven practical tool for the design of membrane retrofit masonry walls
to resist blast pressures.
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