With contributions from: J.M. Adam, F.P. Alvarez Rabanal, T. Aoki, J.S. Davidson, J.J. del Coz Díaz, M. Dhanasekar, J. Dominguez-Hernandez, G.A. Drosopoulos,
C. Eamon, P.J. Garcia-Nieto, W. Haider, S. Ivorra, P.B. Lourenço, M. Lucchesi,
A.L. Martinez-Luengas, C.V. Massalas, G. Milani, L.G. Moradi, C. Padovani,
A.W. Page, F.J. Pallarés, L. Pallarés, G. Pasquinelli, B. Pintucchi, A. Qaisar,
M.A. Ramalho, D. Sabia, N.G. Shrive, G.E. Stavroulakis, J.L. Suarez Sierra,
A. Taliercio and N. Zani
Masonry construction is widely used for buildings up to four storey in height and then for cladding for five or more stories. Masonry may be used unreinforced, reinforced or confined when used as panels. There are many masonry design codes and persistent research is necessary to maintain competitiveness and to improve the structural design of masonry structures. In this book research is described into many areas of masonry research, including non-linear design of masonry, the dynamic and seismic behaviour of masonry, the testing of masonry, the strengthening of existing masonry structures, thermal efficiency of masonry, masonry's resistance to blast loading and the use of unreinforced masonry in seismic areas. Each chapter is written by experts, whose research and experience can then be incorporated into masonry design codes to enhance the safe design and competitiveness of masonry structures.
Saxe-Coburg Publications, paperback: 354 pages, 11 chapters
2017: ISBN 978-1-874672-44-9