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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 105
Paper 59
Large-Amplitude Vibrations of Geometrically-Imperfect Cylindrical Shells Containing Fluid M. Paak, M.P. Païdoussis and A.K. Misra
Department of Mechanical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Large-Amplitude Vibrations of Geometrically-Imperfect Cylindrical Shells Containing Fluid", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 59, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.105.59
Keywords: cantilevered tank, nonlinear vibration, geometric imperfection, hydrostatic pressure, harmonic excitation.
In this paper, the influence of liquid height and initial geometric imperfections on
the large-amplitude vibrations of upright, liquid-filled cantilevered tanks are studied
theoretically. The system is formulated using the extended Hamilton's principle; a
nonlinear model based on Flügge's thin shell theory is utilized to describe the tank
motions, and the fluid perturbations are described by linearized potential flow theory.
Equations of motion are discretized by expanding the solution with trigonometric
functions and the cantilevered beam eigenfunctions in the circumferential and axial direction,
respectively. The essential boundary conditions are satisfied exactly, while the
natural ones are satisfied in the mean. The system of coupled nonlinear ODEs are integrated
numerically by using the pseudo-arclength continuation method implemented
in the AUTO software. The vibrational response of the system is demonstrated in the
form of frequency-response curves, computed in the neighbourhood of the fundamental
frequency. Both softening and hardening nonlinear responses are observed, and
it is understood that the degree and type of nonlinearity depend on the imperfection
amplitude and the liquid height.
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