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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 106
Paper 14
Moment-Curvature Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Cross-Sections of Arbitrary Shape C.G. Chiorean
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
C.G. Chiorean, "Moment-Curvature Analysis of Composite Steel-Concrete Cross-Sections of Arbitrary Shape", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 14, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.14
Keywords: moment-curvature analysis, composite steel-concrete sections, arclength method, biaxial bending..
This paper presents two new computer methods for moment-curvature analysis of
arbitrary-shaped composite steel-concrete cross-sections that are subjected to biaxial
bending and axial force. The complete moment-curvature diagrams are determined
in two different ways such that axial force and bending moment ratio is kept
constant: (a) for given path of loading in conjuction with arc-length control; and (b)
for given value of the strain at the most compressed point. The main advantage of
the second approach is that the solution is obtained by solving just two coupled
nonlinear equations and the convergence stability is not sensitive to the initial or
starting values of the iterative process and to the strain softening exhibited by the
concrete in compression since the Jacobian of the resulting nonlinear system of
equations is always positive definite. The procedures developed may be used to
assess the main features of elasto-plastic behaviour: multiple yielding points,
flexural and axial rigidity, moment-curvature relationship, curvature ductility. The
methods developed show very good stability in the presence of the strain softening
effect exhibited by the concrete in compression and tension and convergence
stability is not affected by the shape of the stress-strain relationships of concrete, the
type and amount of reinforcements or the residual stress distribution in encased steel
elements. In order to illustrate the proposed method and its accuracy and efficiency,
a computer program has been developed and used to study several representative
examples, which have been studied previously by other researchers. The examples
run and the comparisons made prove the effectiveness of the proposed method of
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