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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 106
Paper 4
Behaviour Characteristics of Form Finding for Space Structures by Means of Cable-Tensioning J.W. Kim1, J.H. Doh2 and Y.H. Son3
1Deptartment of Ocean Civil Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
J.W. Kim, J.H. Doh, Y.H. Son, "Behaviour Characteristics of Form Finding for Space Structures by Means of Cable-Tensioning", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 4, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.4
Keywords: cable-tensioning, form finding, nonlinear, mechanism, shaping, single chorded space truss..
The study, presented in this paper, is concerned with the form finding of cabletensioned
space structures that are constructed with bolt and ball type joints. The
cable-tensioning method for single chorded space truss (SCST) structures is an
innovative, fast, and economical construction method at the special construction.
Along the middle line direction of the each SCST structures, the cable-tensioning is
performed with the steel cable in the tubular members at the bottom of the space
structures. In this study, the test models combined with pyramid shaped units, these
models are connected with bolt type joint with a gusset plate and a ball type joint.
From the planar structures on the ground, by means of cable-tensioning, the space
structures are shaped and erected into their final curved space structures. The
feasibility of the proposed cable-tensioning technique and the reliability of the
established geometric model were confirmed with nonlinear finite element analysis
and experiments for a small-scale test models. Through the experiments in the two
types of SCST structures, within the yield limit of the members, a planar layout can
be deformed to a desired space shape. As a result, the proposed cable-tensioning
technique could be applied to the shaping formation of the various SCST structures,
so we can obtain the behaviour characteristic of the joint for each joint types in form
finding for practical design purposes. For a special site condition of the construction
field, this cable-tensioning technique should be a reasonable and economic
construction method compared with the conventional construction method including
the heavy crane and scaffold.
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