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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 98
Paper 33
Modal Vibration Characteristics of Flexural Vibrations in Railway Vehicle Carbodies T. Tomioka, T. Takigami and K. Aida
Vehicle Noise and Vibration Laboratory, Railway Technical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
T. Tomioka, T. Takigami, K. Aida, "Modal Vibration Characteristics of Flexural Vibrations in Railway Vehicle Carbodies", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the First International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 33, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.98.33
Keywords: railway vehicle, carbody, flexural vibration, experimental modal analysis, natural mode of vibration, ride comfort.
This paper presents the modal properties of carbody flexural vibrations in several types of railway vehicles widely used in Japan. Firstly, the experimental procedure and the modal analysis method used here, which is based on a linear prediction model (LPM), are described. This analysis method is applicable not only of the analysis of single input problems such as the stationary excitation test using an exciter but also of multiple input conditions during running.
Then stationary excitation test results for the following three different types of railway vehicles are presented: a Shinkansen vehicle, an express type vehicle and a commuter type vehicle. These three vehicles have different structural features. The carbody shells of the Shinkansen and express type vehicles are made of extruded hollow aluminum alloy and continuous welding is used to form the carbody. In addition, the Shinkansen carbody shell has an airtight structure to prevent aural discomfort arising from pressure changes during passing through tunnels. On the other hand, the commuter type vehicle carbody is made of stainless steel, and each panel member is connected discretely using spot welding. The sizes of the opening area on the side panel such as side sliding doors and side windows are also different in each of the three vehicles. This paper focuses how those structural differences affect on the modal vibration characteristics of the carbodies. Moreover, the authors compare the modal vibration properties between the cases for a complete carbody and the carbody shell alone in order to examine the effect of underfloor equipment, inner fixtures and service equipment. The following results are obtained from this study:
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