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Edited by: B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik
Paper X.1

Current Use of Information Technology in Structural Engineering Consultancies

P. Gardner

Built Environment Faculty, Southampton Institute of Higher Education, United Kingdom

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
P. Gardner, "Current Use of Information Technology in Structural Engineering Consultancies", in B. Kumar, I.A. MacLeod, A. Retik, (Editors), "Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design", Inverleith Spottiswoode, Edinburgh, UK, pp 143-146, 1996.
Computers are becoming an everyday tool for most engineers. Their power and availability means that capital expenditure on information technology is becoming significant and the impact on business functions is growing. This paper reports on levels of use of computers in structural engineering consultancies, based on a study conducted by the Institution of Structural Engineers into IT in the profession. It supports the idea of benchmarking as a way to obtain an objective measure of Information Systems use in comparable firms and presents information in a way that could be used by managers to compare their practice against sector "norms". The study also investigated the managerial implications of information systems, the results of which are reported elsewhere.

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