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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 65
Paper IX.3
Design Considerations of Rubble Rock Foundations based on a Discrete Superquadric Particle Simulation Method M. Miyata+, M. Nakagawa# and G.G.W. Mustoe#
+Port and Harbour Research Institute, Structural Engineering Division, Ministry of Transport, Yokosuka, Japan
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M. Miyata, M. Nakagawa, G.G.W. Mustoe, "Design Considerations of Rubble Rock Foundations based on a Discrete Superquadric Particle Simulation Method", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Finite Elements: Techniques and Developments", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, pp 213-218, 2000. doi:10.4203/ccp.65.9.3
We introduce a discrete element modeling suitable for assemblies
of non-spherical particles to investigate issues concerning
a design criterion of a rubble rock foundation. Uniform
distribution of contact forces on the bottom of caisson
assures moment balance desired for the criterion. The effects
of surface roughness and particle shape on local rearrangement
of the particles near the surface of the foundation, the
effects of the local rearrangement on settlement characteristics
of the foundation, and the evolution of the force transmission in response to the external vertical structural loading
are the three issues which are investigated. A loading history of the caisson on the rubble rock foundation is modeled by a
uniaxial compression test and simulated by two-dimensional
Discrete Element Method (DEM). Non-circular particles are
represented by superquadric functions. Some preliminary
observations and discussions on the issues described above
are given.
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