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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239 CCC: 1
Paper 34.3
Investigation of Passenger Ride Comfort in a Railway Wagon for Various Suspension Parameters J. Dizo, M. Blatnicky, J. Gerlici, S. Knap,
S. Solcansky and D. Molnar
University of Zilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Transport and Handling Machines, Zilina, Slovak Republic Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
J. Dizo, M. Blatnicky, J. Gerlici, S. Knap,
S. Solcansky, D. Molnar, "Investigation of Passenger Ride Comfort
in a Railway Wagon for
Various Suspension Parameters", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance",
Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK,
Online volume: CCC 1, Paper 34.3, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.1.34.3
Keywords: rail vehicle, ride comfort, suspension system, multibody model.
Comfort for passenger in rail vehicles is still currant topic. Passengers often choose
the preferred kind of transport just based on the comfort level. This article is focused
on the investigation of passenger ride comfort in a railway wagon for various
suspension parameters. The theoretical approach comes from a description of the
applied method necessary to create a virtual model of an evaluated railway wagon and
it also includes the method for evaluation of the passenger ride comfort. The passenger
ride comfort in a wagon is evaluated by means of the standard method, at which, the
passenger ride comfort indices marked as NMV in the determined locations on a wagon
body floor are calculated. The calculation of the passenger ride comfort NMV index
requires to know values of the accelerations signals in all three directions as an input.
The section of the article presents the obtained results of simulation computations.
There were changed the stiffness-damping parameters of the primary and secondary
suspension system and their values have been changed in three levels. The railway
wagon vehicle has been running on a model of a real track section. The passenger ride
indices NMV have been calculated for all three variants of the wagon fifteen points
located on the wagon body floor. The research results have shown, that lower values
of stiffness of the secondary suspension system affects the passenger ride comfort
more significantly than the lower values of stiffness-damping parameters of the
primary suspension.
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