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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239
CCC: 1
Edited by: J. Pombo
Paper 29.3

Favourable conditions and predicaments for the initial Eurasian HSR in Central Asia from the perspective of Global Connectivity

W. Yang

Institute of Social Science, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
W. Yang, "Favourable conditions and predicaments for the initial Eurasian HSR in Central Asia from the perspective of Global Connectivity", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK, Online volume: CCC 1, Paper 29.3, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.1.29.3
Keywords: HSR, Central Asia, youth bulge, functional geography, connectivity.

In a large part of the world, infrastructure deficits are staggering, especially for a vast of hinterland areas. Basically, in many postcolonial areas and Newly Independent States, the development of supply chain is far ahead of government governance. Therefore, instead of superstitious belief in today's political geography, Human society, particularly decision makers should put aside the limitation of national boundaries, and make better coordination on population, resources and markets by the guidance of the mutual prosperity, stability and interconnection of cities, rather than regard functional geography as a the priority interests. The “Youth Bulge” has become a reality from an imminent challenge in Central Asian Newly Independent Countries. The needs of young people are fully met to a certain extent, which is the cornerstone of the relative stability of the country and region. In recent years, it has been repeatedly proved that young people are the soil of populism and the unstable factor of social unrest. Historically, some countries have gained some positive experiences by building infrastructure on a large scale, such as Japan in the 1960s and South Korea in the 1980s to deal with youth bulge. The construction of high-speed railways will stimulate a large number of new jobs, promote the rapid flow of social and economic factors, and provide people's well-being. Central Asia is located in the high-speed railway vacuum zone between Europe and Asia where high-speed railways are developed. It has the potential to play a role as a bridge connecting the two ends of the continent. It should be listed as a priority sector for development by countries in the region. With such a large-scale railway project planning, the positive prospects and obstacles are very obvious. High-speed railway will drive the region's railway technology to achieve a qualitative leap, and promote the development of several large cities in the region. The rolling stock is driven by electricity, which will promote the development of photovoltaic resources and the export of electricity resources in the region. The inconsistency of stakeholder interests, which may change dynamically over time, is the biggest impediment to this grand vision. However, in a special historical period when COVID-19 has affected the global economy for two years, any constructive plan deserves serious consideration. This paper aims to explore the feasibility of the Eurasian high-speed rail in Central Asia through an expert survey method.

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