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Civil-Comp Conferences
ISSN 2753-3239 CCC: 1
Paper 4.16
Detection of singular contact wire wear patterns at span scale by dimensionality reduction A. Capitaine1, J. Alandete1, E. Szames1, T. Mensch1, C.
Labadie2, V. Bouclet2, L. Goulain2, H. Nonne1, H. Gance2
and A. Loyer2
1ITNOVEM (groupe SNCF), La Plaine Saint Denis, France Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
A. Capitaine, J. Alandete, E. Szames, T. Mensch, C.
Labadie, V. Bouclet, L. Goulain, H. Nonne, H. Gance
and A. Loyer, "Detection of singular contact wire wear patterns at
span scale by dimensionality reduction", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance",
Civil-Comp Press, Edinburgh, UK,
Online volume: CCC 1, Paper 4.16, 2022, doi:10.4203/ccc.1.4.16
Keywords: overhead contact line, contact wire wear, catenary maintenance,
dimensionality reduction.
Over the electrified rail network, the wear of the contact wire is caused by a variety
of physical phenomena (e.g., mechanical, electrical, thermal). The monitoring of the
thickness of the wire is mandatory to prevent catenary incidents and to plan relevant
maintenance operations. However, even if wear is generally unavoidable, in certain
cases the overhead contact line (OCL) can end up in a configuration favourable to
wear, accelerating the phenomenon. In these cases, wear may be mitigated by
appropriate OCL adjustments.
This paper presents an approach to distinguish common wear, assumed to be
inevitable and therefore not requiring specific adjustment, from the singular wear,
which may be mitigated by appropriate adjustment of the OCL. The scale of interest
is the span at which similar wear profiles are expected to be observed.
We propose a two-step approach consisting, first, in a dimensionality reduction of the
contact wire thickness measurements at the span scale, then in the analysis of the
residuals to classify the wear pattern between common and singular. Two
dimensionality reduction methods are assessed: the principal component analysis and
the non-negative principal component analysis.
Such a method aims to help to better handle maintenance and design operations. It
allows to focus monitoring and maintenance efforts on locations classified as singular, meaning where the future wear or the risk of catenary incidents could be promisingly
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