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Your query returned 7 results.
- Analysis of the Vibration and Sound Radiation Characteristics of a Sprayed Damped Wheel with Different Damping Rings,
M. Li, X. Liu, X. Zhou, X. Sheng, H. Shen and X. Jin
Paper 33.318 from CCP: 110, ISBN 978-1-905088-65-2 (2016)
- Level Set-Based Topology Optimization of Two Dimensional Heat Conduction Problems using the Boundary Element Method,
G.X. Jing, H. Isakari, T. Matsumoto, T. Takahashi and T. Yamada
Paper 25.193 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Influence of Rail Top Contamination on Transient Rolling Contact of a High Speed Driving Wheel,
X. Zhao, Z. Wen, M. Zhu and X. Jin
Paper 1.13 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Numerical Analysis of High-Speed Wheel/Rail Adhesion Considering Non-Newtonian Interfacial Liquids, Elastic-Plastic Contact and Temperature,
B. Wu, Z. Wen, H. Wang, M. Zhu and X. Jin
Paper 1.14 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Numerical Simulation of Dynamical Derailment of High-Speed Train using a 3D Train-Track Model,
L. Ling, X. Xiao, Y. Cao, L. Wu, Z. Wen and X. Jin
Paper 9.155 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Short-Pitch Rail Corrugation on Dynamic Behaviors of Metro Vehicle and Track Components,
W. Li, L. Ling, Z. Wen, X. Du, Y. Cao and X. Jin
Paper 13.201 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Artificial Intelligence Techniques in the Development of Expressway Incident Detection Systems,
X. Jin, R.-L. Cheu, D. Srinivasan, K.-C. Ng, Y.-L. Ng and K.-H. Lee
Paper 9.3 from CCP: 61, ISBN 0-948749-63-6 (1999)