Your query returned 4 results.
- Scalable Implementation of the Two-Dimensional Triangular Discrete Element Method on a GPU Platform,
L. Zhang, S.F. Quigley and A.H.C. Chan
Paper 26 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Acceleration of an Element-by-Element Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Solver for Three-Dimensional Tetrahedral Finite Elements using Field Programmable Gate Arrays,
J. Hu, S.F. Quigley and A.H.C. Chan
Paper 2 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- FPGA-Based Acceleration of the Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Floating Point Solution of the Laplace Equation,
J. Hu, E.J.C. Stewart, S.F. Quigley and A.H.C. Chan
Paper 56 from CCP: 85, ISBN 978-1-905088-14-0 (2007)
- Solution of the Three-Dimensional Finite Difference Equations Using Parallel Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators,
E.J.C. Stewart, J. Hu, S.F. Quigley and A.H.C. Chan
Paper 119 from CCP: 84, ISBN 1-905088-11-6 (2006)