Your query returned 5 results.
- Optimization of the Maintenance of Locomotives using a Consolidated Indicators Panel,
L.M. Vianna, I.A. Júnior, G.M.C. Viglioni, L.A.S. Lopes, R.A.M. Bandeira and M.N. Machados
Paper 44 from CCP: 98, ISBN 978-1-905088-53-9 (2012)
- Optimization of the Planning and Control of Locomotive Wheel Machining,
L.M. Vianna, L.A.S. Lopes, L.M. Vianna and G.M.C. Viglioni
Paper 92 from CCP: 98, ISBN 978-1-905088-53-9 (2012)
- Two Pheromone Ant Colony Multiobjective Optimization to Design Dispersed Laminates for Structural Applications,
T.A. Sebaey, C.S. Lopes, N. Blanco and J. Costa
Paper 45 from CCP: 97, ISBN 978-1-905088-50-8 (2011)
- Plastic Hinge Model for Reinforced Concrete Beams,
S. Lopes and R. do Carmo
Paper 172 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)
- 3D FEM Models for Timber-Concrete Joints,
A. Dias, J.W. van de Kuilen, S. Lopes and H. Cru
Paper 212 from CCP: 79, ISBN 0-948749-95-4 (2004)