Search results
Your query returned 8 results.
- Performance evaluation of various discrete element
models implemented on GPU,
A. Kaceniauskas and R. Pacevic
Paper 5.23 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Memory saving GPU implementation of contact search for the discrete element method,
R. Pacevic, A. Kaceniauskas, R. Kacianauskas and R. Barauskas
Paper 5.24 from CCP: 112, ISBN 978-1-905088-67-6 (2019)
- Parallel Simulation of the Aortic Valve Flows on the
OpenStack Cloud,
M. Staskuniene, A. Kaceniauskas, V. Starikovicius, A. Maknickas, E. Stupak and
R. Pacevic
Paper 3.16 from CCP: 111, ISBN 978-1-905088-66-9 (2017)
- Deployment of Visualization Software and GPU Rendering on an OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure,
R. Pacevic and A. Kaceniauskas
Paper 2.19 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- Development of Cloud Software Services for Computational Analysis of Blood Flows,
A. Kaceniauskas, R. Pacevic, M. Staškuniene, V. Starikovicius and G. Davidavicius
Paper 2.23 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- Analysis of Crack Geometry using Distributed Visualization Software,
A. Kaceniauskas, R. Pacevic and D. Markauskas
Paper 12.51 from CCP: 101, ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0 (2013)
- VisPartDEM: Grid Visualization Tool for Particle Systems,
A. Kaceniauskas, R. Pacevic, D. Markauskas and R. Kacianauskas
Paper 75 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Simulation and Visualization of
Discrete Particles on Clusters, Grids
and Clouds,
A. Kaceniauskas and R. Pacevic
Chapter 6 from CSETS: 40, ISBN 978-1-874672-72-2 (2017)