Your query returned 6 results.
- Damage Effects from Dynamic Interaction between Vehicles, Irregularities and Railway Bridges in the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Structures,
T. de O. Abeche, R. Dalledone Machado, J.E. Abdalla Filho, L.F.M. Beghetto and L.A.F. de Souza
Paper 26.278 from CCP: 110, ISBN 978-1-905088-65-2 (2016)
- Dynamic Behaviour of a Typical Short-Span Brazilian Railway Bridge due to a Passing Vehicle,
F.L.M. Beghetto and J.E. Abdalla Filho
Paper 13.204 from CCP: 104, ISBN 978-1-905088-59-1 (2014)
- Railway Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Considering Wheel-Rail Contact, Track Irregularities and Speed Variations,
L.F.M. Beghetto and J.E. Abdalla Filho
Paper 104 from CCP: 98, ISBN 978-1-905088-53-9 (2012)
- Modeling the Dynamic Response of a Railway Bridge and Vehicle System,
F.L.M. Beghetto and J.E. Abdalla Filho
Paper 23 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Evaluation of Residual Strength of Pipelines Containing Corrosion Defects,
J.E. Abdalla Filho, R.D. Machado, R.J. Bertin and M.D. Valentini
Paper 143 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- On the Spurious Mechanisms of an Eight-Node Mindlin Plate Finite Element Model,
J.E. Abdalla Filho, I.M. Belo and R.D. Machado
Paper 150 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008)