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Your query returned 7 results.
- A Finite Element Model for Simulation of the Structural Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Ground Slabs,
M.B. Mehrabani, X. Zhou, H.-P. Chen and Z. Xiao
Paper 17.196 from CCP: 108, ISBN 978-1-905088-63-8 (2015)
- Time-Dependent Reliability Assessment of Corrosion Affected Reinforced Concrete Structures,
J. Nepal and H.-P. Chen
Paper 7.96 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Bridge Model Updating at Structural Member Joints using Measured Modal Data,
H.-P. Chen, A. Haidarpour and T.-S. Maung
Paper 7.99 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- Gamma Process Modelling and Repair Planning of Fatigue Damaged Steel Bridge Members,
T.-L. Huang, H. Zhou, W.-X. Ren and H.-P. Chen
Paper 7.101 from CCP: 106, ISBN 978-1-905088-61-4 (2014)
- COSM: A Parallel Coupled Ocean Watershed Model,
H.-P. Cheng, J.-R.C. Cheng, R.M. Hunter, T. Campbell and H.-C. Lin
Paper 13 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- Herbert Hoover Dike Phase 1A Groundwater Modelling,
H.-P. Cheng, B.P. Donnell, S.M. England, H.-C. Lin, E.V. Edris and R. Weeks
Paper 183 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)
- Research Demonstration of a Decomposition Approach for Large-Scale, Coupled Surface-Subsurface Watershed Model Calibration and Validation,
H.-P. Cheng, S.M. England, H.-C. Lin, J.-R.C. Cheng, E.V. Edris, S.L. Ashby and D.R. Richards
Paper 185 from CCP: 89, ISBN 978-1-905088-26-3 (2008)