- Full Range Response of Circular Steel Plates Subjected to Combined Transverse Pressure and Edge Compression,
G.J. Turvey and H. Drinali
Paper 4.1 from CCP: 43, ISBN 0-948749-45-8 (1996)
- Nonlinear First Yield Analysis of Circular Plates Subjected to Combined Uniform Pressure and Edge Compression,
G.J. Turvey and H. Drinali
Paper 6.4 from CCP: 19, ISBN 0-948749-21-0 (1993)
- Nonlinear First Yield Design of Imperfect Circular Plates in Uniform Edge Compression,
G.J. Turvey and H. Drinali
Paper 13.1 from CCP: 4/5, ISBN 0-948749-03-2 (1987)