Your query returned 5 results.
- Graph-Theoretical Methods for Optimal Plastic Analysis and Design of Frames,
A. Mokhtar-Zadeh and A. Kaveh
Paper 4.3 from CCP: 40, ISBN 0-948749-42-3 (1996)
- Bandwidth Optimization for Rectangular Matrices,
A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh
Paper 5.3 from CCP: 39, ISBN 0-948749-41-5 (1996)
- Non-Linear Combinatorial Force Method,
A. Mokhtar-zadeh and A. Kaveh
Paper 2.2 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995)
- Substructuring for the Combinatorial Force Method of Structural Analysis,
A. Kaveh, G.R. Roosts and A. Mokhtar-Zadeh
Paper 2.6 from CCP: 33, ISBN 0-948749-35-0 (1995)
- A Comparative Study of the Combinatorial and Algebraic Force Methods,
A. Kaveh and A. Mokhtar-zadeh
Paper 1.3 from CCP: 19, ISBN 0-948749-21-0 (1993)