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Your query returned 16 results.
- Energy Optimisation for Subway Trains by Interactive Track Alignment Planning,
M. Flurl, R. Morelos, R.-P. Mundani and E. Rank
Paper 28.293 from CCP: 110, ISBN 978-1-905088-65-2 (2016)
- High-Performance Fluid Flow Simulation through Porous Media: Coupling Micro- and Macro- Scale on Geometrically Complex Domains,
N. Perovic, J. Frisch, R.-P. Mundani and E. Rank
Paper 7.48 from CCP: 107, ISBN 978-1-905088-62-1 (2015)
- Towards Interactive HPC: Sliding Window Data Transfer,
R.-P. Mundani, J. Frisch and E. Rank
Paper 11.50 from CCP: 101, ISBN 978-1-905088-56-0 (2013)
- The Lattice Boltzmann Method for Fluid-Structure Interaction Phenomena,
S. Geller, C. Janssen, M. Krafczyk, S. Kollmannsberger and E. Rank
Paper 42 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Framework for the Hybrid Parallelisation of Simulation Codes,
R.-P. Mundani, M. Ljucovic and E. Rank
Paper 53 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Design and Performance Aspects of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Computational Steering Application,
P. Wenisch, O. Wenisch and E. Rank
Paper 92 from CCP: 95, ISBN 978-1-905088-44-7 (2011)
- Spatial Enrichment by Applying Hierarchy to Built Infrastructure,
V. Varduhn, J. Frisch, R.-P. Mundani and E. Rank
Paper 78 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- Modelling Fluid-Structure Interaction with High Order Solids and Lattice Boltzmann,
S. Kollmannsberger, A. Düster, E. Rank, S. Geller and M. Krafczyk
Paper 160 from CCP: 94, ISBN 978-1-905088-41-6 (2010)
- The Finite Cell Method for Elasto-Plastic Problems,
A. Abedian, J. Parvizian, A. Düster, H. Khademyzadeh and E. Rank
Paper 310 from CCP: 93, ISBN 978-1-905088-38-6 (2010)
- Developing a Life-Cycle Management System for Reinforced Concrete Buildings based on Fully-Probabilistic Deterioration Models,
K. Lukas, A. Borrmann, M. Zintel, T. Mayer and E. Rank
Paper 118 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- GroundXML: An Addition of Aligmnent and Subsoil Specific Cross-Sectional Data to the LandXML Scheme,
M. Obergrießer, Y. Ji, T. Baumgärtel, T. Euringer, A. Borrmann and E. Rank
Paper 237 from CCP: 91, ISBN 978-1-905088-32-4 (2009)
- Towards Efficient Reliability Methods with Applications to Industrial Problems,
I. Papaioannou, H. Heidkamp, A. Düster, E. Rank and C. Katz
Paper 106 from CCP: 88, ISBN 978-1-905088-23-2 (2008)
- Automatic Component Identification using Artificial Neural Network Techniques,
M. Schleinkofer, A. Bastian, C. van Treeck and E. Rank
Paper 51 from CCP: 82, ISBN 1-905088-05-1 (2005)
- Efficient Algorithms for Octree-Based Geometric Modelling,
R.-P. Mundani, H.-J. Bungartz, E. Rank, R. Romberg and A. Niggl
Paper 10 from CCP: 77, ISBN 0-948749-89-X (2003)
- A Parallel p-Version Finite Element Approach for Structural Engineering,
M. Ruecker, M. Krafczyk and E. Rank
Paper 4.1 from CCP: 52, ISBN 0-948749-54-7 (1998)
- High Order Finite Elements: Principles, Achievements, Open Questions,
E. Rank, S. Kollmannsberger and A. Düster
pp. 29-55 from CTR, vol. 1, 2010