Computational & Technology Resources
an online resource for computational,
engineering & technology publications
Preparation of Papers for the 2024 Conferences
This page provides information on the preparation and formatting of papers for archiving on It includes information concerning the submission of all the components of a submission to a conference in this series.

The submissions to these conferences, called papers, consist of the following components:
  • Entry into the online submission form of all key data requested. Note: This data is used to automatically generated the title and author names on the final paper and copyright form. It is most important that care is taken in entering this meta-data.
  • A pdf of the short paper which is used for archiving purposes.
  • A copy of your Word file (alternatively the Latex files zipped into a single file) from which you have prepared your pdf.
A copyright form is not required at the time of submission. The copyright form will be sent to authors of accepted papers after their paper has been accepted and proofed.

Please follow the submission link on the Civil-Comp Conference website for the conference that you wish to submit a paper.

The main features of the paper are as below:

  • Titleblock: Details of how these are processed from your meta-data for the paper are given below. Authors MUST not put the title, author names or affiliations on the paper.
  • Abstract: The abstract (limited to 200 words) should include the main features of the short paper. See below for more details.
  • Keywords: Include 6 to 10 keywords starting from the general to more specific words. See below for more details.
  • 1. Introduction: Clearly state the purpose of the work.
  • 2. Methods: Describe your methods of calculation or experimentation.
  • 3. Results: Present your results in a logical sequence in text, tables and illustrations.
  • 4. Conclusions & Contributions: Emphasize new and important aspects of the study and conclusions that are drawn from them.
  • Acknowledgements: See below for more details.
  • References: All references should be cited by using numbers in square brackets for example [12] and they should be numbered by the order they appear in the text.

The "Methods" and "Results" headings are just suggestions you may use more appropriate headings for your subject matter. But the use of "Introduction" and "Conclusions" headings are mandatory.

Sub-headings in the style of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc may be used but each heading or sub-heading must be followed by some text.

Please remember that once the conference is over, it is the Archive pdf that will remain as a record of your participation, it should therefore be prepared with care adhering to the points below. Once the pdf has been proofed and accepted it cannot be changed or substituted.

The pdf of the paper should be prepared using the Word template provided here:

Important For Word Users: When you prepare your Pdf directly from Word please set the option for: "Optimize for: Standard (publishing online and printing)" (Not the Minimum Size Option)

Important For LaTex Users: Alternatively you can prepare your paper using LaTex. Here a zipped file is attached of a sample paper. In this way you can edit out the text etc in the Latex file so that you will have the correct format. Latex users should still read the details below.

General Warning: Please note that it is very important to adhere to the instructions. If you do not follow the guidelines for preparing your paper, it may not be possible to accept your paper.

Please note that it is very important to adhere to the instructions. If you do not follow the guidelines for preparing your paper, the Editor may not be able to accept your paper.

  • On the templates, both Word and LaTex, a 75mm block has been left for the titleblock.
  • DO NOT: Type your title, author names and affiliations in this titleblock. The titleblock must be left empty.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Your titleblock will be generated automatically from the meta-data that you enter during the submission process.
  • IMPORTANT: To ensure that your title, author names and affiliations are correct on the final archived paper then please enter your paper details carefully. Once these details have been entered, as meta-data, there is no facility for authors to edit these details.
The following sections will describe the typographic specifications for your paper in detail. However, you will find it much easier to start from the templates provided above. (Trying to edit a paper written on another template rarely works - so please cut and paste your text into the template - remembering to delete all of the original template text etc in the process.) Nevertheless we recommend you read through typographic specifications below so that you do not inadvertently override any of the template's features, and so that you fully understand the referencing conventions.
  • The template uses A4 paper in portrait orientation (297mm*210mm).
  • The margins are: top=35mm; bottom=36mm; left=right=33mm
  • On the first page of the paper a 30mm high space or box is to be kept clear of any text because the conference logo (logobox) will be posted on your paper here during the archiving process.
  • A second box, a 75mm high space (within the left and right margins) is used for the title block. Authors should leave this titleblock empty. Titleblocks are generated from the meta-data entered during the submission process.
  • There should be no running headers, no footers or footnotes.
  • The pages should be numbered as in the template.
  • The text should be laid out using single line spacing. (in MS Word, please ensure the default paragraph spacing is set to "single" and NOT "exactly #pt".
  • The text should be prepared in Times New Roman font.
  • Do not use any Asian fonts. Please pay particular attention to the fonts used for legends in figures and in embedded tables. (These cause problems when the paper is archived.)
  • The pages of text should be fully (left and right) justified and aligned.
  • Generally, little additional vertical space should be left between paragraphs. Typically this is 4 points but to ensure that the columns have flushbottoms it may be necessary to add some additional space between paragraphs.
  • The width and height of the pages of text must exactly correspond to those on the template. Care must be taken to ensure that space is not left at the bottom of any text pages and that the tops and bottoms of all text pages align with the margins. This is referred to as flushbottoms or vertical justification.
  • In general a space is left after each main section. To ensure that the columns have flushbottoms, it may be necessary to add some additional space between paragraphs or above and below section headings.
  • The body text should be in 12pt size.
  • The Sections should be numbered in the style 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • The Sub-Sections should be numbered in the style 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4.
  • The Acknowlegement and Reference Sections are not numbered.
  • All Section and Sub-Section titles are typeset in the same font as the body text (i.e. Times New Roman).
  • Section titles are typeset in 14pt and bold typeface. No Italics please!
  • Sub-Section titles are typeset in 12pt and bold typeface. No Italics please!
  • Section and Sub-Section titles should not have any full stops, commas or colons at the end of the title.
  • Paragraph indents: Second and subsequent paragraphs of each section should have a 5mm first line indent. The first paragraph of each section should not have any indent.
The length of your paper should be 8 to 14 pages long.
  • Your paper should start on the first page, (below the 30mm logoblock and 75mm titleblock), with an abstract.
  • The Abstract should concentrate on what is new in the paper. It should not include any introductory information and should simply state what has been achieved and assume that the reader is reasonably familiar with the subject matter.
  • The Abstract should be given the unnumbered title "Abstract" typeset using the same conventions as a section (i.e. 14pt bold) but unnumbered.
  • Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length.
  • The Abstract should be written in pure text. No symbols, no equations, no tables, no references!
  • The Abstract must not be used to define acronyms and abbreviations.
  • The Abstract is followed by keywords. At the end of the Abstract text leave one blank line, then start the next line (without indentation) with "Keywords:" typeset in 12pt bold, and the keywords in 12pt regular.
  • A minimum of six and a maximum of ten keywords should be included.
  • Each Keyword should be followed by a comma.
  • All Keywords should be in lower case. Except proper nouns which should start with a capital letter (e.g. Maxwell, China, Amazon, London). Acronyms should not be used.
  • The Keywords must not be used to define acronyms and abbreviations.
  • To aid with archive searching acronyms should not be used.
Acknowledgements may be included as an unnumbered section preceding the References. No more than 40 words. (If required. This is an optional section)
A list of references should be given at the end of the paper.
  • The list of references must be sorted either in order of citation.
  • References should be cited in the text using square brackets in the regular font and size used by the rest of the text. Please do not use superscript. Multiple references within the same citation should be sorted numerically and separated by commas within the square brackets. Example: "... clues to the psychology of Brunus edwardii are to be found extensively in references [1,2]. Blackmore and Young [3] presented a 1970 review of the diseases present in this species. Elsewhere the effect of rubella[4] and environmental pollution [5] on the population of the species is examined..."
  • The list of references is a numbered list using square brackets and numbers. The list numbers are left alligned (against the left margin) and right aligned. The reference text is "hanging" with an indent at 10mm.
  • The references should be given in the following style:
M. Bond, "A bear called Paddington", Collins, London, United Kingdom, 1958.
A.A. Milne, "A House at Pooh Corner", Methuen & Co. Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 1928.
D.K. Blackmore, C.M. Young, "Some Observations on the Diseases of Brunus edwardii (Species nova)", Veterinary Record, 90, 382-385, 1972.
J.T. Paul, "The 1954 Rubella epidemic in Brunus edwardii", in "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Epidemics in Europe", V. Lancaster, (Editor), Academic Medical Press, London, United Kingdom, 561-568, 1987, DOI:10.471234/gh567.5
J.T. Paul, "Environmental Pollution and Brunus edwardii", in "Bear Population Studies", V. Lancaster, (Editor), Edinburgh Zoological Publications, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Chapter 7, 123-168, 1988.
  • Please note: author first names are abbreviated to initials; initials precede the author surname; multiple authors are separated by a comma; all elements of the references are separated by a comma; the year of publication should always be the last element in the reference.
  • DOIs should be quoted after the year when available.
  • Diagrams, photographs, illustrations and code snippets should all be treated as figures, i.e. given figure numbers and captions.
  • In the text figures should be referred to in the style: "... In Figure 1 a new bear is shown ..."
  • All figures should be centred.
  • All captions for figures and tables should appear BELOW their respective figure or table. All captions should be centred. Captions should start: Figure 1: A New Bear
  • Captions are typeset in the regular text font and using 12pt. Captions should have a full stop at the end.
  • All figures should be integrated within the text and not placed on pages at the end of the paper. Figures should be placed within the text near to the place where they are first mentioned. They should preferably be located just after their first mention (rather than before).
  • Tables are treated separately and should also be numbered consecutively in the text and referred to in the style: "... Population studies for bears are given in Table 1 ..."
  • Tables should have captions.
  • Tables should be placed within the text near to the place where they are first mentioned. They should preferably be located just after their first mention (rather than before).
  • Pay particular attention to the size of figures and tables. Not only the contents of your figure or table, but also the border (if any) around the figure or table should fit within the margins. Figures should preferably not have a surrounding border. Tables on the other hand should have one.
  • Figures and Tables should be read without turning the page through 90 degrees - all figures and tables should be read when the page is viewed in portrait.
  • Table captions should be placed BELOW the table.
  • Equations should be numbered consecutively in the text.
  • Equations should be centred on the page, and have a right aligned equation number enclosed in round brackets. The equation number is typeset using the same convention as the body text (12pt regular).
  • In the text an equation should be referred to in the style: "... The computation of steak and kidney pie rations for bears is given by Equation (1) ..."
  • Any mathematical or other notation should be defined in the text when it is first referred to. Lists of notations should NOT be given.
  • It is desirable that SI units be used. If non-standard units are used (e.g. Imperial Units) appropriate conversion factors should be given.
  • All documents should be in British-English. The document should be as brief as compatible with clarity and intelligibility.
  • Abbreviations should be spelt out in full on first appearance. First the full term should appear, followed by the abbreviation in round brackets.
  • Please do not capitalize terms when the abbreviation is first defined unless it contains names of places, people or trademarks. Example: "... we now use the finite element method (FEM) to compute ...". The words finite, element and method are not proper nouns!
Please note that it is very important to adhere to the instructions. If you do not follow the guidelines for preparing your paper, we may not be able to accept your paper.

If your Paper is not correctly formatted we reserve the right to NOT archive your paper.