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International Journal of Railway Technology
ISSN 2049-5358 IJRT,
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2016
Quantification of Railway Track Safety with an Inertial Vehicle Response Identification
R. Spinola Barbosa
Department of Engineering Mechanics, University of São Paulo, Brazil Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
R. Spinola Barbosa, "Quantification of Railway Track Safety with an Inertial Vehicle Response Identification", International Journal of Railway Technology, 5(2), 47-63, 2016. doi:10.4203/ijrt.5.2.3
Keywords: safety, railway, track, quality, inertial, dynamic, vehicle.
A new method for track inspection was developed to complement the traditional geometric methods. An inertial measuring system installed on the vehicle is used to acquire the vehicle's response to irregular track input. A specialized data treatment method is used to evaluate railway track safety, observed from the vehicle dynamic performance point of view. System equations for the inverse vehicle dynamic problem are solved to estimate the wheels driving forces which are directly correlated with the vehicle's safety when travelling over track unevenness. Results of a measuring campaign on a railway wagon are used to evaluate the present system, by direct positional comparison with track geometry measurements. Also, data collected and treated are compared with the lateral to vertical dynamic loading safety (L/V) ratio measured with instrumented wheelsets installed on the wagon. The results of the quantified track safety present good agreement with the traditional measuring methods. This confirms the ability of the method to detect the location of the potentially most hazardous regions, for optimised railway track maintenance purposes.
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