With contributions from:
P.E. Barbone, Y. Bazilevs, S. Belouettar, A. Benjeddou,
P. Boisse, Ph. Bouillard, M.A. Bradford, F. Casciati, J.Y. Cognard, J.A. Cottrell,
R. Créac'hcadec, P. Davies, T. Daxner, G. De Roeck, H. Deng, S. Eckardt, M. Farshad, S. Fernandez-Mendez, F.D. Fischer, D.M. Frangopol, N. Friedl, M.G.D. Geers,
F. Giuliano, D. Givoli, S. Häfner, P. Hajela, J. Holnicki-Szulc, A. Huerta, T.J.R. Hughes, A. Ibrahimbegovic, B.L. Karihaloo, C. Könke, W.B. Krätzig, A.S.K. Kwan,
D. Le Houédec, M. Maldonado, T.J. Massart, G. McClure, G. Mikulowski, A. Mroz, A.A. Mullur, G. Muscolino, L.C. Neves, A. Palmeri, I. Patlashenko, P. Pawlowski, R.H.J. Peerlings, F.G. Rammerstorfer, A. Reali, P. Ribeiro, G.I. Schuëller, L. Sohier,
Y. Vidal, Q.Z. Xiao and Y.X. Zhang.
This volume includes the invited lectures presented at: The Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, September 2006.
Saxe-Coburg Publications, paperback: 572 pages, 25 chapters
2006: ISBN 1-874672-27-X