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Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series
ISSN 1759-3158
Edited by: F. Magoulès
Chapter 9

Towards Three-Dimensional Optimised Schwarz Methods without Overlap for Predicting Transmission Loss in Mufflers and Silencers

F. Magoulès

Applied Mathematics and Systems Laboratory, Ecole Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France

Full Bibliographic Reference for this chapter
F. Magoulès, "Towards Three-Dimensional Optimised Schwarz Methods without Overlap for Predicting Transmission Loss in Mufflers and Silencers", in F. Magoulès, (Editor), "Mesh Partitioning Techniques and Domain Decomposition Methods", Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 9, pp 219-238, 2007. doi:10.4203/csets.17.9
Keywords: Schwarz algorithm, domain decomposition, interface condition, parallel computing, acoustics, transmission loss.

Optimised Schwarz methods are very efficient iterative algorithms for the parallel solution of computational mechanics problems. These methods are similar to the classical Schwarz methods, but they use absorbing interface conditions between the subdomains. These interface conditions are then optimised for efficiency and lead to a fast and robust convergence behaviour of the iterative algorithm. A wide range of optimisation techniques have been proposed and developed in the literature in the two dimensional case. In this chapter, original optimised Schwarz methods are investigated for a three-dimensional case and are applied to realistic industrial problems. Several original numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency and the robustness of the proposed optimised Schwarz methods for the prediction of transmission loss in mufflers and silencers.

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