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Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series
ISSN 1759-3158 CSETS: 33
Chapter 7
Interference Effects on Wind-Induced Coupled Motion of Tall Buildings S. Thepmongkorn1, G.S. Wood2 and K.C.S. Kwok3
1Department of Civil Engineering, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand S. Thepmongkorn, G.S. Wood, K.C.S. Kwok, "Interference Effects on Wind-Induced Coupled Motion of Tall Buildings", in J.W. Bull, (Editor), "Tall Buildings: Design Advances for Construction", Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 7, pp 183-209, 2014. doi:10.4203/csets.33.7
Keywords: tall buildings, coupled motion, wind-induced responses, interference effects.
Interference effects from a single neighbouring building on wind-induced responses of square and rectangular tall buildings are presented. Results of wind tunnel aeroelastic model tests on buildings without coupled translational-torsional motion are reviewed and discussed in terms of response characteristics, excitation force and wake spectra. These fundamental cases give an understanding of the excitation mechanisms. An increase in the standard deviation along-wind, cross-wind, and torsional responses of tall buildings may be found when an interfering building is located upstream or downstream from the principal building. In particular, a significant increase in responses due to a resonant buffeting mechanism at critical reduced wind velocities, where the frequency of the shed vortices originated from the interfering building coincides with the modal natural frequency of vibration of the principal tall building. This resonant buffeting mechanism was also evident for buildings with coupled translationaltorsional motion and this should be taken into consideration when designing for interference effects. For a building with coupled motion and with interference from a smaller interfering building, the standard deviation along-wind, cross-wind, and twisting moment responses of the principal building were significantly increased when the interfering building was located diagonally upstream. A more substantial increase in responses was evident when the interfering building was located approximately four building widths directly upstream from the principal building.
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