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Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series
ISSN 1759-3158 CSETS: 11
Chapter 10
Modelling and Simulation of Adaptive Structures and Composites: Current Trends and Future Directions A. Benjeddou
Laboratory for Engineering of Mechanical Systems and Materials, High Institute of Mechanics at Paris, Saint Ouen, France A. Benjeddou, "Modelling and Simulation of Adaptive Structures and Composites: Current Trends and Future Directions", in B.H.V. Topping, C.A. Mota Soares, (Editors), "Progress in Computational Structures Technology", Saxe-Coburg Publications, Stirlingshire, UK, Chapter 10, pp 251-280, 2004. doi:10.4203/csets.11.10
Keywords: modelling, simulation, adaptive structures, piezoelectric composites.
Since the first experimental proof of electronic passive (shunted) and active
vibration damping of optical bar-like structures using attached piezoelectric patches,
a quarter of century ago [1], researches on adaptive structures have received much
attention, as attested by the numerous reviews [2,3,4],
bibliography [5], surveys [6,7,8]
and assessments [9,]. Careful analysis of this literature indicates that piezoelectric
materials are the most used as actuators and sensors. Hence, modelling and
simulations of adaptive structures and composites with surface-bonded or embedded
(integrated) piezoelectric patches or layers have received a lot of investigations in
particular during the last decade. They were first based on engineering uncoupled
analytical and numerical approaches that mimic the classical techniques used in
elastic structures and composites [,4,7]. Then, rapidly, rigorous mathematical
analyses and difficulties to reproduce some experimental tests have shown that these
simplified methods are not sufficient and can even lead to erroneous
results [2,3,9].
This contribution has then the objective to present and discuss current trends, during the last half decade, in modelling and simulation of adaptive structures and composites. For this, multi-physics theoretical formulations are first described for thermo-electro-mechanical media in the form of fundamental equations and associated advanced variational principles. Then, current research interests in analytical and numerical modelling of adaptive structures and composites are surveyed; focus is made on exact and closed-form analytical solutions, and on finite element numerical models. Common benchmarking and simulation practices are also discussed. Finally, some identified future directions for this continuously growing multidisciplinary research field are outlined. From the current trends survey, it was noticed that:
These remarks on the current trends can motivate new or further research on the highlighted presently active topics in modelling and simulation of adaptive structures and composites. Additional future research directions for this growing research filed are listed in the corresponding section. References
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