This publication,
in two volumes, contains the papers presented at the International Conference
on the Design and Construction of Non-Conventional Structures 87, held 8-10
December 1987, London. The proceedings include papers concerning: Architectural
Design: Professional and Contractual Issues; Steel Structures; Concrete
Structures; Timber Structures; Space Structures: Architectural Design: Space
and Grid Structures; Shell and Plate Structures; Lattice Shell Structures;
Lightweight Structures; Wind Loading; Membrane Structures; Cable Stuctures;
Tensegrity Systems; Cable Stayed Bridges; Computer Aided Design and
Analysis; Stadium and Grandstand Design; Folding Structures; Structures
Designed to Special Criteria; Use of Materials; and Special Techniques for
Maintenance, Renovation and Repair.
Civil-Comp Press, two paperback volumes, 357 & 261 pages, 76 papers
1987: ISBN 0-948749-07-5