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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 110
Paper 259
Real Time Modelling of a Railway Multibody Vehicle: Application and Validation on a Scaled Railway Vehicle P. D'Adamio1, J. Escalona2, E. Galardi1, E. Meli1, L. Pugi1 and A. Rindi1
1Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
P. D'Adamio, J. Escalona, E. Galardi, E. Meli, L. Pugi, A. Rindi, "Real Time Modelling of a Railway Multibody Vehicle: Application and Validation on a Scaled Railway Vehicle", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 259, 2016. doi:10.4203/ccp.110.259
Keywords: real-time testing, multitasking implementation, scaled train, multibody, SimMechanics model, numerical efficiency, railways vehicles.
This paper focuses on an innovative approach for the construction of real-time models of railways vehicles. The proposed model, which is referred to as a scaled train, is characterized by both a three-dimensional multibody model of the main elements (bodies and suspension system) to reproduce the train dynamics, and a wheel-rail contact algorithm which, by computing the wheel-rail contact points and the contact forces and torques, implements the interaction between vehicle and track.
Moreover, this paper introduces an innovative technique to build up a hybrid Simulink-SiMmechanics model whose resolution can be easily distributed among different concurrent threads, exploiting parallel computing capabilities of modern workstations. In particular, the model has been realized in multiple tasks to obtain the best compromise between accuracy and efficiency, which is mandatory to meet the typical constraints introduced by the real-time implementation. Therefore, the proposed multitasking model has been compiled and uploaded on an electronic multicore platform, suitable for real-time testing activities.
The performance and the reliability of the proposed multitasking model have been evaluated with respect to a reference singletasking one. The comparison between the simulated systems shows the good performance and reliability of the proposed real-time architecture. The proposed system has been realized through the technical data provided by University of Seville, Spain, where a prototype of
the scaled train was developed.
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