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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 110
Paper 82
Railway Vehicle Driveline Modelling and Co-Simulations in SIMPACK-Simulink N. Kuka1, R. Verardi1, C. Ariaudo1 and A. Dolcini2
1Railway Dynamics - ALSTOM Ferroviaria S.p.A., Savigliano, Italy
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
N. Kuka, R. Verardi, C. Ariaudo, A. Dolcini, "Railway Vehicle Driveline Modelling and Co-Simulations in SIMPACK-Simulink", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 82, 2016. doi:10.4203/ccp.110.82
Keywords: traction chain, electro-mechanical co-simulation, vehicle dynamics, wheel/rail contact, traction and braking behaviour, mechanical vibrations, fatigue loads.
Railway operators continuously challenge the rail industry to increase vehicle performances and capacity, without compromising the level of running safety, but possibly reducing the level of aggressiveness of the rolling stock on the track. Among the performances, the markets in the last decades are demanding for more traction capacity on regional trains, freight locomotives and metro, but with an eye always turned to minimize the damages on the track.
Therefore the optimisation of the vehicle design respect to dynamic behaviour, including the interaction with traction and braking systems, through complex and reliable simulation models of whole traction chain, is unavoidable in order to give the right response to railway undertaking. Alstom developed, in the past, different standalone models to simulate the electrical and mechanical systems of the drive line, but such an approach did not take into account the feedback (in a closed loop) of the electric system on the whole dynamics of the vehicle and on the wheel-rail interaction. The need for a more complete modelling system has led to the development of a co-simulation methodology in a closed loop, in SIMPACK/Simulink environments. This paper presents first a synthesis of the Alstom experiences on the drive line modelling, then an overview of the new methodology for the co-simulation of the whole vehicle, including the traction chain. Then the description of the model's set-up and the main characteristics used for the simulations, in order to optimize the system design, both in terms of traction/braking performances and fatigue loads on the components, is given. Finally the model validation process, the results obtained and the future evolutions are presented and discussed. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £22)
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