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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 110
Paper 77
Development of a Device for Detecting Electric Power Failures on Board Shinkansen Trains T. Yamashita and N. Ikeguchi
Rolling Stock Department, Railway Operations Headquarters, West Japan Railway Company, Japan Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
T. Yamashita, N. Ikeguchi, "Development of a Device for Detecting Electric Power Failures on Board Shinkansen Trains", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 77, 2016. doi:10.4203/ccp.110.77
Keywords: Shinkansen, earthquake, detect, frosting trolly, pantograph, voltage.
Japan has experienced many earthquakes. The Sanyo-Shinkansen line operated by the West Japan Railway Company (JR West) runs from Shin-Osaka to Hakata at the maximum speed of 300km/h. In 1995 the Great Hanshin Earthquake (Richter scale 7.3) occurred and major earthquakes have continued to occur in regions throughout Japan ever since. The Great Hanshin Earthquake that occurred within the operating area of JR West resulted in more than 6,400 people dead or missing. The earthquake occurred at dawn before the Shinkansen had started running, then there was no harm to passengers but viaducts and many other structures were damaged. It took approximately three months to restore. Since then measures have been implemented such as strengthening the seismic resistance of structures such as viaducts, etc., and the installation of guardrails between the rails in order to prevent cars from coming off the tracks or deviating when an earthquake occurs, etc. Furthermore, when a large earthquake occurs, it is important to stop trains immediately to ensure safety. Shinkansen trains are equipped with a system that automatically stops the train by detecting the supply of power to the trolley wires when a large earthquake occurs. A dedicated device which enables the Shinkansen trains to quickly detect power failures in the trolley wires is necessary for improving safety. Furthermore, over the Sanyo-Shinkansen area, frost sometimes forms on the trolley wires in the early morning in winter, which causes damage to the pantograph by disengagement from trolley wire, resulting in arc discharges. At this time we have to restrict the acceleration notch under the frosting condition. However, this restriction causes delays in the train so we have developed these devices that are expected to reduce the delay of trains by identifying the frosting trolly sections. The details of the device are presented in this paper.
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