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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 110
Paper 14
The Coupled Meshless-Finite Element Method and its Application to the CAM Layer of the Ballastless Track Slabs L. Yang1, M. Habib1,2, F. Tang1, J. Hun1 and Z. Chen1
1School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
L. Yang, M. Habib, F. Tang, J. Hun, Z. Chen, "The Coupled Meshless-Finite Element Method and its Application to the CAM Layer of the Ballastless Track Slabs", in J. Pombo, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Railway Technology: Research, Development and Maintenance", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 14, 2016. doi:10.4203/ccp.110.14
Keywords: unballasted track, coupled FE-EFG, finite element, element free Galerkin, CAM layer, cement asphalt mortar layer, dynamic behaviour.
A coupled finite element (FE) and element free Galerkin (EFG) approach is used to study the dynamic behaviour of cement asphalt mortar (CAM) layer. A coupled three-dimensional EFG-FE model for a double-line unballasted track bridge was simulated. The CAM layer is modelled using the EFG approach and the remaining is modelled using FE method. A ramp function is utilised to model the transition between the FE and EFG domains. The effects of train velocity, track loading condition, and train marshalling on the CAM layer were studied. The results show that the train velocity will effect the dynamic response of the CAM layer while the peak stress of the CAM layer is insensitive to the train velocity. In addition, the stress distribution of the CAM layer along the transverse direction of the girder is uneven and the CAM layer maximum peak stress value is found near the web. For both tracks loaded; stresses of the CAM layer under inner side track are almost twice the single lane loaded, while a slight increase is observed in the CAM layer under the outer side track for the same condition. Stress change and amplitude of the CAM layer is almost the same for both SS8 and ICE3 train marshalling.
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