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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 107
Paper 13
Using Full Tier0 Supercomputers for Finite Element Computations with Adaptive Meshing H. Digonnet, L. Silva and T. Coupez
Institut du Calcul Intensif, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
H. Digonnet, L. Silva, T. Coupez, "Using Full Tier0 Supercomputers for Finite Element Computations with Adaptive Meshing", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 13, 2015. doi:10.4203/ccp.107.13
Keywords: high performance computing, massively parallel, adaptive meshing, multigrid solver, Tier0, PRACE.
In this paper, work performed to allow full using Tier0 supercomputers for finite element
simulations that include unstructured mesh adaptation is presented. Full use
means using almost all the cores present on the system, but also all the memory available.
This work has been done within the PRACE project Cim128Ki, during
PRACE's 6th regular call, providing us access to two top European supercomputers:
Curie and JuQUEEN. The main goal of this project was to test the scalability
of our finite element mesh adaptation application on full Tier0 supercomputers (with
size up to105cores). The simulations concerned are performed using an implicit finite
element method built on adaptive unstructured meshes. Thus, computational time is
mainly spent on two steps: resolution of a linear system; and mesh adaptation. Firstly,
some definitions about massively parallel computations and their limits for finite element
applications are explained. Secondly, the strategy and developments performed
to adapt parallel mesh adaptation and linear solvers to enable executing them using almost
all the cores and memory present on Tier0 supercomputers are detailed. Before
presenting an example of simulation done using the power given by the referred supercomputers,
parallel performances obtained on Tier0 supercomputers will be given,
including the largest computation reached: generation of a 33.4 billion-node mesh and
resolution of a linear system of 100 billion unknowns, consuming 200TB of memory,
over 65,536 Intel Xeon cores on Curie and 261,144 PowerPC cores on JuQUEEN.
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