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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 106
Paper 203
Finite Element Simulation of Contact Problems for Multilayered Antifriction Nanomodified Coverings and for Nanosized Bodies with Surface Effects S.A. Danilchenko and A.V. Nasedkin
Southern Federal University, Rostov on Don, Russia Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
S.A. Danilchenko, A.V. Nasedkin, "Finite Element Simulation of Contact Problems for Multilayered Antifriction Nanomodified Coverings and for Nanosized Bodies with Surface Effects", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 203, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.203
Keywords: nanoindentation, contact interaction, finite element analysis, tribomechanical system, antifriction covering, rail, heterogeneity, surface effects..
This paper describes the results of the finite element computational experiments for a
number of contact problems that simulate the nanoindentation processes of sandwich
coatings in the framework of the theories of elasticity and plasticity, as well as for the
contact problems for deformable bodies with surface tension.
Numerical simulation of nanoindentation of multi-layer coatings was carried out by solving static contact problems with the use of the finite element package ANSYS. Rigid and deformable models of Berkovich indenter with acute and with rounded apex and the indenters of axisymmetric shape, approximately equivalent to the Berkovich indenter have been considered. We have employed the technology that permits the preparation of a canonical finite element mesh in the contact zone with the required concentration, to assign heterogeneity of the mechanical properties for separate finite elements, to define the contact pairs and essential parameters of the solvers, the serial stages of loading and unloading for elastoplastic problems, and to carry out postprocessing of the results. These approaches have been implemented in the form of specialized software developed in the APDL ANSYS programming language. In the second part of this paper for the test example of the contact problem for pressing a rigid parabolic indenter in the elastic disk that account for the surface effects, the effect of the surface stresses to the basic characteristics of the solution in the contact zone have been analyzed. We have noted particular features of solving this problem using ANSYS and concluded that the model of the deformable media with surface stresses could have a significant influence on the contact interaction between the bodies of submicro- and nanosizes. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £20)
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