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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 106
Paper 165
Component-Based Model and Experimental Behavior of a Dissipative Steel Link for Hybrid Structures M. Manfredi, F. Morelli and W. Salvatore
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Italy Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M. Manfredi, F. Morelli, W. Salvatore, "Component-Based Model and Experimental Behavior of a Dissipative Steel Link for Hybrid Structures", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 165, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.165
Keywords: steel-concrete hybrid structures, steel structures, concrete shear walls, experimental test, dissipative systems, component-based model..
In this paper the development, calibration and experimental validation of a
component-based model of a dissipative steel link connecting a reinforced concrete
wall and a steel gravity frame is presented. The structural configuration of the
system studied is extrapolated by an innovative hybrid structure proposed within the
European RFCS project INNO-HYCO (INNOvative HYbrid and COmposite steelconcrete
structural solutions for building in seismic area). The system studied is the
hybrid coupled shear wall (HCSW), obtained coupling a reinforced concrete wall
with two side steel columns by means of steel links where the energy dissipation
takes place. Such dissipative elements are intended to behave similarly to links of
eccentric braces while the connection with the reinforced concrete wall has to be
suitably designed in order to make the links replaceable. Obviously, the dissipative
capacity of such structures is greatly influenced by the effective hysteretic behaviour
of the link and of the link-to-wall and link-to-steel frame connections. For this
reason, an experimental research programme on HCSW system sub-assemblages
containing the dissipative element and the aforementioned connections has been
carried out. Two different types of link-to-wall connection systems have been tested
in order to highlight their influence on the global dissipative capacity. A non-linear
cyclic component-based model of the entire sub-assemblage is then developed and,
on the basis of experimental results, calibrated, enabling in this way a better
understanding of the force transmission mechanisms.
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