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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 106
Paper 52
Seismic Fragility and Collapse Probability of Italian Precast Reinforced Concrete Industrial Structures C. Casotto1, V. Silva2, H. Crowley3, R. Nascimbene3 and R. Pinho4
1ROSE Programme - UME School, Institute for Advanced Study in Pavia, Italy
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
C. Casotto, V. Silva, H. Crowley, R. Nascimbene, R. Pinho, "Seismic Fragility and Collapse Probability of Italian Precast Reinforced Concrete Industrial Structures", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 52, 2014. doi:10.4203/ccp.106.52
Keywords: seismic fragility, reinforced concrete precast structures, beam-column connection collapse, two- and three-dimensional modelling, dynamic analysis, Italian building stock, annual collapse probability..
In May 2012 the earthquakes in Northern Italy revealed the seismic vulnerability of
typical Italian precast industrial buildings. Nevertheless there are only few fragility
models capable of characterizing the seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete (RC)
precast structures compared with the large amount of studies on residential
buildings. In this paper the vulnerability of such structures was estimated developing
fragility curves. An analytical methodology was followed making use of nonlinear
dynamic analysis performed on a building stock representative of the existing Italian
population to obtain the distribution of buildings in each defined damage states for
increasing intensity levels of the seismic action. The consideration of beam-column
connection failure, different modelling hypothesis and the differences in the
resulting fragility curves when adopting a two- or three-dimensional modelling
environment were also analysed. It has been found that the choice of a simplified
dynamic analysis that does not consider vertical acceleration could be inadequate for
the representation of the connection failure. Therefore a discussion of the sensitivity
of the collapse fragility curves to the modelling assumptions is presented. The
fragility curves were then applied in the derivation of the annual probability of
collapse of RC precast industrial buildings located in Northern and Eastern Tuscany.
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