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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 102
Paper 231
The Influence of Traffic on the Design of Road Structures in Urban and Interurban Areas on a European Road in Romania M. Iliescu, R.D. Cadar and N. Ciont
Department of Infrastructure, Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Romania Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M. Iliescu, R.D. Cadar, N. Ciont, "The Influence of Traffic on the Design of Road Structures in Urban and Interurban Areas on a European Road in Romania", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 231, 2013. doi:10.4203/ccp.102.231
Keywords: road engineering, traffic analysis, comparative dimensioning, structure analysis, transportation systems, traffic evolution.
This paper shows the influence which the differences in evaluating road traffic in urban
and interurban areas on a European E-road in Romania have on the dimensioning of a
non-rigid road pavement. In Romania, road pavement design is carried out using an
analytical method, assuming the verification of three eligibility criteria. The first
design stage is the traffic evaluation. The transformation of physical vehicles into
standard vehicles is different for streets and for interurban roads. This leads to a
differentiated classification of the two studied environments and to different traffic
volumes. For this paper, we selected a study area set on the borderline separating the
urban and interurban areas, on the European E60 road, in Romania. The pavement
design was carried out using the standardised computer application called Calderom,
which is based on the Burmister model for evaluating the state of stress and strain in
the road structure under load.
This paper shows the influence of the differences in evaluating road traffic, in urban and inter-urban areas on a European E-road in Romania, on the dimensions of a non-rigid road pavement.
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