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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 102
Paper 90
Seismic Assessment of Pile-supported Bridges Considering the Rotational Excitation of Earthquake Ground Motion E.-K. Mylona and A.G. Sextos
Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
E.-K. Mylona, A.G. Sextos, "Seismic Assessment of Pile-supported Bridges Considering the Rotational Excitation of Earthquake Ground Motion", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 90, 2013. doi:10.4203/ccp.102.90
Keywords: rotational excitation, pile foundation, kinematic interaction, soil-structure interaction, rocking, liquefaction, translational excitation.
The scope of this paper is to investigate the response of RC bridges, founded on pile
groups in a liquefiable, layered soil, under simultaneous earthquake-induced
translational and rocking excitation. The rocking excitation results from pile
bending, under vertically propagating seismic S-waves, which, in turn, depends on
the relative flexibility between the pile group and the surrounding soil, a
phenomenon known as "kinematic interaction". Typically, the rotational component
of the seismic excitation is not taken into consideration in the design, neither is it
prescribed in any of the modern seismic codes. Based on the previous research of a
pile-induced rocking in CIDH pile supported bridges, an effort is made to extend
the above findings considering soil liquefaction and a pile group foundation. For this
reason, the lateral response of a typical bridge in the Egnatia Highway Greece, is
analytically studied for various acceleration scenarios. The response of the pile cap,
in terms of displacement and rotation time histories, as a result of the kinematic
interaction analysis of the foundation system, is the total foundation input motion
of the superstructure. The resulting displacement demand of the coupled
load is then compared to the displacements that would develop by ignoring the
rotational component of the excitation. From the set of parametric analyses
conducted, it is concluded that ignoring the rocking component of the input motion,
transverse deck displacements may differ significantly, based on the dynamic
characteristics of the foundation and the superstructure.
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