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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 100
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper 103

Modelling of Multi-Material Assemblies using an Equivalent Finite Element

O. Omram1, V.D. Nguyen1, H. Jaffal2, P. Marchand2 and P. Coorevits1

1Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Eco-PRocédés, Optimisation et Aide à la Décision, (EPROAD EA-4669), IUT de l'Aisne, Saint-Quentin, France
2CETIM, Pôle ICS, Senlis, France

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
O. Omram, V.D. Nguyen, H. Jaffal, P. Marchand, P. Coorevits, "Modelling of Multi-Material Assemblies using an Equivalent Finite Element", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 103, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.100.103
Keywords: finite element, assembly, homogenization, multi-materials, equivalent element.

The aim of the work presented in this paper was to develop a methodology and to reduce the simulation time, which permits the simplification of an assembly point, while keeping a realist physical behaviour, Indeed, the study of the mechanical structure using a three-dimensional finite element, taking into account the problem of non-linearities (behaviour and contact) increases the time of calculation and requires a larger memory size. Likewise, the optimization of an assembly (the number and position of the points) leads to an important number of calculations. Therefore it is absolutely necessary to reduce the time of each numerical simulation.

The classical method of simplification consisted of replacing the assembly point by a simple rigid connector, in many cases this method does not present the behaviour of point and can cause significant errors in the global response, or local behaviour.

Several studies exist in the literature but they do not apply to multi-material assemblies or they require specific elements so that implementing the strategy is difficult in an industrial code.

In this paper, we propose a simple nonlinear finite element model that satisfies the industrial requirement. This model consists of two beams connected by a nonlinear spring subjected to a tensile force. So the difficulty is to determine its mechanical behaviour, taking into account the geometrical and material parameters, which is based on experimental tests. As the spring is the responsible of the plastic deformation, so the mechanical behaviour of the spring is studied by suggesting that is consists of four phases (elastic, slipping, elastic behaviour of the structure, and plastic). These phases have been identified from the experimental results, and an identical behaviour between our model and the experimental results has been obtained. That allows later development of this model to be applicable in several types of action in order to have a law general for a simple one-dimensional model of a connector.

Another important problem is the modelling the plastic deformation and its location in the contact area, where it leads to embrittlement of structures and directs their mechanical failure.

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