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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 100
Paper 14
Adaptive Modification of the Künzel Model for Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer J. Kruis1, J. Madera2 and P. Šolín3
1Department of Mechanics, 2Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry,
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Adaptive Modification of the Künzel Model for Coupled Heat and Moisture Transfer", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 14, 2012. doi:10.4203/ccp.100.14
Keywords: coupled heat and moisture transport, Künzel model, hydrophobic materials.
Coupled heat and moisture transport in porous materials becomes very popular and useful
in many areas. Examples include building physics or the modelling of concrete
creep where the influence of heat and moisture plays a significant role. This paper deals
with the Künzel model introduced in reference [1].
The model assumes heat and moisture fluxes both dependent on the gradients of temperature
and relative humidity. Governing equations of the transport are the heat and mass balance
equations. The balance equations are discretized using the finite element method in
space dimensions and by using the generalized trapezoidal rule in time. More details concerning
the computer implementation of the model can be found in references [2,3].
In the case of non-conductive materials, severe difficulties with numerical solution were observed. Deeper analyses reveal significant differences of the matrix entries orders. Such matrices are hardly solvable because iterative solvers suffer from an extremely high condition number and therefore an unacceptable number of iterations are required. Application of direct methods is also questionable because of cancellation errors which were observed. In order to avoid such badly conditioned matrices, adaptive modification of the Künzel model is introduced. Generally, it is not possible to predict which gradient, i.e. gradient of temperature or relative humidity, is dominant and which can be neglected. There are cases where both of them are comparable and both of them have to be taken into account. The matrices of such cases are relatively well conditioned and they can be solved in the classical way. On the other hand, there are cases where one of the gradients is significantly greater than the other and the associated matrices are poorly conditioned. Therefore, the heat and moisture fluxes are evaluated before element matrix assembling. If the contribution of temperature or relative humidity gradient to the fluxes is significantly smaller than the contribution of the other gradient, it is neglected which results in modification of the matrix of material conductivities. Consequently, the element matrix does not contain entries of a very low order and it leads to a better conditioned matrix for the problem. The modification proposed leads to adaptive manipulation with degrees of freedom. If some finite elements are nearly non-conductive, they should be switched off and the appropriate degrees of freedom too. The physical meaning of this modification is an enforcing of the ideal non-conductivity. The attained values of all quantities at the nodes and on elements switched off are stored because they are required when the elements and degrees of freedom are possibly switched on. It can happen because the conductivities depend on many variables. Selected example of a wall structure with insulation layers is described. Analysis of the conductivity matrices for particular layers is summarized. Responses of the classical and hydrophobic materials are compared. References
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