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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 96
Paper 157
Methodological Overview of a Coupled Water Resources Management Model System Zs. Kozma and L. Koncsos
Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Zs. Kozma, L. Koncsos, "Methodological Overview of a Coupled Water Resources Management Model System", in B.H.V. Topping, Y. Tsompanakis, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 157, 2011. doi:10.4203/ccp.96.157
Keywords: water resources extremities, Hungary, flood, drought, excess water, environmental modeling, decision support systems, coupled model system.
The state and future of water resources in Hungary is briefly reviewed with regards to quantity. While the country is already characterised by a uniqe set of hydrologic extremities, scientific research predicts the increase of risk related to flood, excess water (a Hungarian hydrologic "speciality") and drought in the Carpathian Basin.
To deal with this issue, a three-year research and development project (WateRisk) was launched. The implementation of a scenario-based water resources management decision support system (DSS) is a key objective of the project. The basic concept of the proposed methodology (summarized in the paper) is the risk-based evaluation of possible socio-economical-environmental scenarios. As a defining part of the DSS a novel integrated hydrologic model system, WateRisk Model System (WRMS), is being developed. WRMS is a physically-based distributed-parameter coupled model system capable of simulating major processes of the inland hydrologic cycle (precipitation, interception, evapotranspiration, overland flow, stream flow, infiltration, groundwater flow, flow phenomena in urbanized areas). The paper provides a brief review of the relevant literature and discusses major aspects of the model system in detail. Beside the description of hydrologic-hydrodynamic models for separate water cycle processes, the interaction of certain modules is also presented. Model coupling is based on proper handling of spatial and temporal concerns (linking one-dimensional polyline object and two-dimensional grid data, temporal discretization and model call sequence). In addition to textual explanation, foundations of the spatial-temporal aspects are illustrated with figures. Preliminary results for a 457km2 large study area (seriously affected by excess water) are also presented and briefly discussed in the paper. A novel scenario-evaluation methodology (WateRisk DSS) and as part of it, an integrated hydrologic model system is proposed. The risk-based assessment of relevant water resources related scenarios is to be supported by the combination of stochastic input-generation and the fine-scale deterministic description of hydrologic processes. The introduced WRMS offers several novelties. Among these, the most notable is the aggregation of favourable model features into a versatile and robust model system (e.g. linked simulation of water cycle including complete one-dimensional channel hydraulics, enhanced coupling of one-dimensional hydrodynamics and two-dimensional surface-subsurface models, fine resolution, large spatial-temporal extent and good computation time rate). The first pilot area simulations proved that WRMS is able to implement the expected advantages in practice. Inadequate results also outlined the direction for model improvement. purchase the full-text of this paper (price £20)
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