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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 95
Paper 64
Parallel CAD Surface Meshing P. Laug1 and H. Borouchaki2
1Project-team GAMMA3, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France
P. Laug, H. Borouchaki, "Parallel CAD Surface Meshing", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 64, 2011. doi:10.4203/ccp.95.64
Keywords: parallel processing, CAD modeler, parametric surface meshing, multithread strategy, curve discretization, anisotropic meshing, surface curvatures.
polynomial or rational parametric patches (NURBS) as is the case for most CAD
modelers. There are, essentially, two approaches to meshing parametric
surfaces: direct and indirect. Popular direct meshing methods include the
octree-based method, the advancing-front-based method and the
paving-based method. All these methods work directly in the
tridimensional space. On the other hand, the indirect meshing approach
consists in meshing the bidimensional parametric domain and mapping the resulting
mesh onto the surface. It is conceptually straightforward as a
bidimensional mesh is generated in the parametric domain and thus it
is expected to be faster than the direct approach. Notice that
the bidimensional mesh of the parametric domain is generally
anisotropic. Indeed, the specified size map in three dimensions (which may be isotropic or anisotropic)
is induced in the parametric domains using the first fundamental metric
of the surface which is generally anisotropic. Using the latter
approach, we have proposed a general scheme for meshing conformal composite
parametric surfaces. The scheme is constituted by sequential procedures
which consist of discretizing each interface
curve, projecting the discretizations on boundaries of parametric
domains, meshing each parametric domain according to the
above boundary discretizations and finally mapping these
two-dimensional meshes onto the surface. Complex surfaces such as a car engine
or a complete aircraft are composed of thousands of patches, and
meshing these surfaces using the above sequential scheme can be
inefficient. However, it can be noticed that each curve discretization
can be created independently, as well as each domain mesh.
After a brief presentation of the two principal parallel computing
methodologies, namely distributed memory and shared memory architectures,
a parallel version of the general meshing scheme using a multithread strategy is proposed.
This approach naturally
balances the load to each processor and is
particularly efficient on present multicore computers.
This parallel methodology has been
implemented in the BLSURF surface meshing software. Numerical examples are given
showing the cost reduction compared with the sequential version.
To conclude, some remarks are provided about the integration of the
parallel meshing methodology
in a CAD system. In particular, the efficiency of the method depends on
the parallel evaluation of the mapping function with respect to parametric domains.
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