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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 82
Paper 54
Seismic Micro-zoning in Tangshan City based on an ANN Q.J. Zhu+, Y.H. Chen* and Y.P. Su*
+Research Center of Earthquake Engineering
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Q.J. Zhu, Y.H. Chen, Y.P. Su, "Seismic Micro-zoning in Tangshan City based on an ANN", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 54, 2005. doi:10.4203/ccp.82.54
Keywords: seismic micro-zoning, ANN, earthquake affecting coefficient, response spectrum, Tangshan.
China is one of the countries with frequent continental earthquakes. The
earthquakes caused the loss of more than 400,000 lives in the 20th century. In Tangshan
City, the calamitous earthquake in 1976 resulted in the loss of 243,000 lives and there have
been many micro-earthquakes in recent years [1]. Investigation of natural disasters in
cities is the key of city planning and disaster reduction. Therefore, more attention
has been paid to seismic micro-zoning and earthquake resistance [2,3]. The main
work of seismic micro-zoning is the design of earthquake response spectra.
Earthquake affecting coefficient and characteristic period (Tg) are the main design
parameters of earthquake response spectra, other parameters can be calculated based
on the structure of building to be designed. In the former research, the influence of
site on seismic micro-zoning has been investigated [4], therefore, precise calculation
of earthquake affecting coefficient is the key to seismic micro-zoning. Distribution
of earthquake affecting coefficient in cities cannot be described precisely without
consideration of the influence of the basement rock condition. It is very difficult to
consider the influence of the underground rock condition in seismic micro-zoning,
because the data of the basement rock condition cannot be obtained from experiments.
From the relationship analysis between the earthquake and the stress field, we know that the
basement rock condition can be represented by the numerical simulation of stress field
in earthquake zones.
Tangshan, a heavy industrial city with six million people, and located in the northeast of Hebei Province, has frequently suffered from natural disasters such as earthquake, karst collapse, and ground collapse of mined-out areas. Earthquake is the primary disaster in Tangshan City and the calamitous earthquake in 1976 destroyed most of the buildings and infrastructure [5]. By analyzing the geological data of Tangshan City, structural stress field of the basement rock is calculated based on elastic theory and the finite element method, also the distribution of the basement fracture probability is predicted. It was found that the distribution of earthquake affecting coefficient is controlled by the basement displacement, the basement fracture probability, site category, physiognomy and special geological condition, etc. The relationship between the earthquake affecting coefficient and influencing factors is complicated, so the prediction model is constructed on the basis of an artificial neural network (ANN). During the calculation, 4 elements are decided for the input layer and 1 for the output layer. There are 2 concealed layers, 6 elements for No.1 concealed layer, and 3 for No.2 concealed layer. The learning coefficient is 1.2 and the inertia coefficient is 0.5. After repeated calculation of 197012 times, the distribution of the earthquake affecting coefficient in Tangshan City is calculated precisely.
In the seismic micro-zoning of Tangshan City, the earthquake affecting coefficient is
obtained from calculating the result based on the ANN described in this article, and Tg of different
sites can be obtained from site investigation. All parameters for the design of
earthquake response spectra are obtained, and different response spectrum for every
kind of site is designed. There are three kinds of sites in Tangshan City, each with
three characteristic periods (Tg) based on the result of earthquake risk evaluation. So
nine kinds of earthquake response spectra were obtained, in which the parameter of
earthquake affecting coefficient ( The distribution of the earthquake affecting coefficient can be predicted precisely by predictive model based on the ANN, which makes the parameter of the earthquake affecting coefficient become a variable. Therefore, seismic micro-zoning can be designed carefully. According to the results, some advice on the design of earthquake-proof buildings and disaster reduction planning in Tangshan City is proposed. References
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