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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 93
Paper 69
Modelling and Characterization of Shear Actuated Piezoelectric Fibre Composites M.A. Trindade1 and A. Benjeddou2
1São Carlos School of Engineering, University of São Paulo, São Carlos SP, Brazil
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
M.A. Trindade, A. Benjeddou, "Modelling and Characterization of Shear Actuated Piezoelectric Fibre Composites", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 69, 2010. doi:10.4203/ccp.93.69
Keywords: macro-fibre composites, transverse shear actuators, effective properties characterization, finite element homogenization method.
Recent applications of piezoelectric sensors and actuators require conformability and packaging standards not found in monolithic piezoceramic patches. The so-called macro-fibre composites (MFC) have become very popular since it may combine the conformability of epoxy-matrix composites and the electromechanical energy density of piezoceramic materials [1]. These transducers are composed of machined (diced) rectangular fibres of a piezoceramic material embedded to a epoxy-based resin matrix and covered by copper electrodes and protective kapton and/or acrylic layers. The original idea [1] uses interdigitated electrodes (IDE) to induce the longitudinal or 33 mode in the fibres.
More recently, an alternative design, in which the macro-fibres are oriented perpendicular to the direction of motion, was proposed [2] to induce the transverse shear mode (15 or 35).
Recently, some research effort has been directed to the identification and characterization of such transducers, in longitudinal (33) or transverse (31) [3] and transverse shear (15) [4] modes. It is noticeable that the effective properties depend not only on the epoxy-to-piezoceramic volume fraction but also on the geometrical and material properties of the other layers (kapton, acrylic, electrodes).
In the present work, a finite element homogenization method for a shear actuated d15 MFC made of seven layers (kapton, acrylic, electrode, piezoceramic fibre and epoxy composite, electrode, acrylic, kapton) was proposed and used for the characterization of its effective material properties. The methodology was first validated for the MFC active layer only, made of the piezoceramic fibre and epoxy, through comparison with analytical results. Then, the methodology was applied to the full MFC with seven layers. It was shown that the packaging reduces significantly the shear stiffness of the piezoceramic material and, thus, leading to significantly smaller effective electromechanical coupling coefficient k15 and piezoelectric stress constant e15 when compared to the piezoceramic fibre properties. However, the piezoelectric charge constant d15 was less affected by the softer layers required by the MFC packaging. This might indicate that this MFC design could be interesting for sensing applications but not so much for actuation. The presented results also confirmed that a higher fibre volume fraction (FVF) is desirable and a 95% FVF seems to be a good compromise.
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