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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 93
Paper 34
Induced Vibrations because of High-Speed Train Passage on Ballast and Non-Ballast Tracks P. Galvín, A. Romero and J. Domínguez
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros, University of Sevilla, Spain Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Induced Vibrations because of High-Speed Train Passage on Ballast and Non-Ballast Tracks", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 34, 2010. doi:10.4203/ccp.93.34
Keywords: high-speed train vibrations, vehicle-track-soil-structure interaction, dynamic loads, BEM-FEM coupling.
This paper is intended to develop a general numerical model for
the analysis of vibrations due to high-speed trains (HST) and their effects on nearby
structures. The numerical model is based on the three dimensional
finite element and boundary element formulations in the time
domain. As compared to two-and-a-half domain solutions, the
present formulation can take into account local soil
discontinuities, underground constructions such as underpasses,
and coupling with nearby structures that brake the uniformity of
the geometry along the track line. Track and other structures are
modelled using the finite element method and their non-linear
behaviour can be considered because a time domain formulation is
employed. The soil is represented using the boundary element
method, where a full-space fundamental solution is used in
combination with quadratic boundary elements. The train vehicle is
modelled as a multi-body and, therefore, the quasi-static and the
dynamic excitation mechanisms can be considered, taking into
account the dynamics effects due to sleeper discrete support and
the wheel and rail irregularities.
The influence of the vehicle model in the quasi-static and dynamic responses has been studied. The inertia should be considered to predict accurately the quasi-static response. For the dynamic response, the suspended mass should be taken into account in order to predict the track and soil response at low frequencies. The numerical model has been experimentally validated by comparison with existing experimental records taken in two HST lines: Córdoba-Málaga HST line [1] and Brussels-Paris HST line [2]. In the first case, the train speed was lower than the Rayleigh wave velocity in the soil. Thus, quasi-static and dynamic contributions, are important to reproduce the actual problem, and six samples of unevenness are generated to make the experimental validation of the numerical model because different samples of track unevenness yield different predictions of the track and free field response [3]. In the second case, the train speed is higher than the Rayleigh wave velocity in the soil and, therefore, the quasi-static contribution dominates the track and free field response. In both cases, the correlation between experimental and computed results is quite good. The dynamic behaviour of a transition zone between a ballast track and a slab track has also been studied using the present three dimensional model. The computed results have been compared with those obtained from models which consider an invariant geometry with respect to the track direction and it has been concluded that three dimensional models should be used to obtain the response for these problems. References
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