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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 93
Paper 26
Lateral Dynamic Response of Railway Vehicles on Bridges: Numerical Model and Applications P. Antolín1, J.M. Goicolea1, M.Á. Astiz1 and A. Alonso2
1Department of Mechanics and Structures, School of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
, "Lateral Dynamic Response of Railway Vehicles on Bridges: Numerical Model and Applications", in , (Editors), "Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 26, 2010. doi:10.4203/ccp.93.26
Keywords: bridge-train interaction, wheel-rail non linear contact, finite elements, multibody.
High speed trains produce important dynamic actions on railway structures,
which have been the subject of recent research and new provisions in design
codes. The attention has focused mainly on vertical actions. The study of
lateral dynamic effects for some bridges was the object of reference [2] whose
recommendations were incorporated into the Eurocodes [1].
The main goal of this article is to study the coupled lateral behavior of vehicle-structure systems for high speed trains. In order to analyse interaction between vehicle and structure analytical [3] and numerical [6] solutions were proposed. Numerical solutions are focused on five main problems [7]: structure models, vehicle models, wheel-rail interaction models, track irregularities and numerical solutions. Non-linear finite element methods are used for structures whereas multibody dynamics methods are employed for vehicles [4]. Special attention is paid when dealing with contact rolling constraints for coupling bridge decks and train wheels. A penalty method with a Hertz formulation is used in normal contact. In tangential contact, the FastSim [5] method has been implemented. This method solves the tangential contact at each time step solving a differential equation involving mixed variables (relative displacements and creepage variables). The coupled vehicle-structure system is studied in a implicit dynamic framework. Integration for computing the total forces in contact domain is performed for each train wheel with an iterative solution algorithm. Coupling between trains and bridges requires a special treatment according to the kinematic constraints imposed in the wheel-rail pair and the load transmission. An application example is developed showing the interaction between an eight car vehicle and a viaduct. References
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