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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 91
Paper 279
Modelling and Simulation of a Two-phase Flow Network with the MATLAB - COMSOL Numerical Packages in the .NET Environment Z. Sari, I. Jancskar and A. Sipeky
Department of Information Technology, University of Pécs, Hungary Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
Z. Sari, I. Jancskar, A. Sipeky, "Modelling and Simulation of a Two-phase Flow Network with the MATLAB - COMSOL Numerical Packages in the .NET Environment", in B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves, R.C. Barros, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 279, 2009. doi:10.4203/ccp.91.279
Keywords: modeling, simulation, MATLAB-COMSOL.
The paper describes an approach of establishing a modeling environment for the modeling and simulation of a steam network, in which phase change can occur. In our approach we apply the highly sophisticated solver routines of the MATLAB environment for the solution of model equations, and in order to obtain a user friendly interface we implement this in the form of a .NET component into a C#.NET based network design interface. Furthermore we attach the same solvers to the ArcGIS geographic information system to carry out simulations and parameter studies on networks, which are defined based on map data.
In order to describe the two phase flow in the network, we have applied a homogenous model version of the diffuse interface method [1,2], and furthermore we have introduced a hysteresis operator [3] localized to the saturation temperature for the modeling of dynamic phase transition. The model can be used for simulation in the MATLAB environment, but without a graphical user interface it is not flexible enough, the parametrization and the visualization of the results requires MATLAB programming knowledge. In order to define, model, and simulate a freely configurable and parameterizable network topology, a graphical input-output interface is needed on which one can accomplish complex network modeling tasks without programming knowledge. For the efficient application of the simulation environment the simultaneous working of the MATLAB-based network models, the C#.NET-based network- and data manipulation user interface, and the ArcGIS geographic information system is required. The integration of the above mentioned systems can be realized effectively in the .NET framework. The MATLAB code based network model can be built into a .NET component with the aid of the MATLAB Compiler .NET Builder. This component can be used efficiently in both of the user interfaces, namely in the C#.NET software and the ArcGIS system. The framework software had been compiled into two different .NET assemblies (common language runtime code). One of them is a console version in order to be easily accessed from an ArcGIS VB macro, the other one has a graphical UI, and it can be used as a stand alone application for defining a simulating networks. The utilization of the connection possibilities between the high level software tools enables the solution of a rather complex problem in a way, that each of the components of the final software architecture fulfills its main role. References
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