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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433
CCP: 82
Edited by: B.H.V. Topping
Paper 13

Shape Image Acquisition and Merging Methods using Digital Holograms for a Computer Aided Industrial Design System

K. Sakita

Department of Environmental Engineering for Symbiosis, Soka University, Tokyo, Japan

Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
K. Sakita, "Shape Image Acquisition and Merging Methods using Digital Holograms for a Computer Aided Industrial Design System", in B.H.V. Topping, (Editor), "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 13, 2005. doi:10.4203/ccp.82.13
Keywords: visual image, industrial design, product shape creation, visual image acquisition, digital hologram, non-linear dynamics.

The image plays the important role in the creative thinking process. The industrial design process is a type of creative thinking process. Creation of the image structure of the product in the early stage of the industrial design is the core part of the industrial design process. A new concept of computer aided industrial design system is proposed in this paper. The features of the computer aided industrial design system are as follows:
Acquisition and accumulation of visual images Abstraction of dimensions from the set of the visual images Creation of the novel image by merging of visual images Reconstruction of product shape from the visual images created Representation of visual image by digital hologram
The human visual field is not uniform. Human visual attention is attracted in the portion of human visual field. The human visual attention is controlled by the tendency of the image world of the individual. The meaningful or impressed shape for the individual attracts the human visual attention. The visual images of significant shapes are captured and accumulated in the human mind. The human visual attention filters the raw visual image from the eye point according to the tendency of the image world of the individual. The visual attention filter is introduced to represent this visual mechanism. The captured visual images are transformed, but there are some limitations and some conditions for transformation of the visual image. The captured and transformed visual images are accumulated in the image world, and these are used in the part of another visual image beyond the categories and the scales. The captured visual image from the environment is the two-dimensional image with the distance from the eye point. So, the captured visual image is represented by the digital hologram in this system, and the visual attention filter of this system is represented by the filtering of the digital hologram.

Acquired visual images from the environment make a set of visual images. The set of visual images is structured by the structuring rules. The topology is made from the nature of the set of visual images. The dimension is a type of topology, and the topology is abstracted from the set of visual images by the factor analysis in this system. The visual images are connected to the positions of the dimensions. The chaotic dynamics of expanded billiard subject is introduced in the image world (the set of the visual images) as a driving force to make the dynamically stable state in the image world. Then, the new visual image is created from the structured image world.

Some digital holograms are able to be merged into one digital hologram. The merged digital hologram is able to reconstruct the merged visual images from the structured image world. The three-dimensional shape is reconstructed from the three merged holograms of three planes of projection (top view, front view and side view).

J.J. Gibson, "The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception", Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1979.
D. Marr, "VISION A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information", New York, W.H. Freeman and Company, 1982.

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