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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 91
Paper 27
Dynamic Response of Conical Shell Structures subjected to Pulse Pressure R.J. Mania and K. Kowal-Michalska
Department of Strength of Materials and Structures, Technical University of Lodz, Poland Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
R.J. Mania, K. Kowal-Michalska, "Dynamic Response of Conical Shell Structures subjected to Pulse Pressure", in B.H.V. Topping, L.F. Costa Neves, R.C. Barros, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 27, 2009. doi:10.4203/ccp.91.27
Keywords: dynamic pulse loading, thin-walled shell, finite element method, elastic-plastic material.
The problem of dynamic buckling of thin-walled structures has been studied by many authors. Despite this it seems that the analysis of structures built of thin shells subject to pulse loading of finite duration is still a rather complicated problem and the interpretation of the results needs special attention.
In this work shell structures in the shape of a truncated cone closed by a spherical cap are considered. The height of a structure is kept constant while the wall thickness and the angle of incline of the cone generator may vary. The structure is loaded by a triangular pulse pressure of finite duration. The pulse duration is close to the period of fundamental natural vibrations of the structure analysed and the dynamic load amplitude is chosen as a multiple of the static upper critical load. The initial imperfection form of the shell surface is assumed to be the same as the mode corresponding to the upper buckling load, of the amplitude being a fraction of the shell thickness. The analysis of the shell dynamic response during the pulse duration and after the load is released has been conducted by means of the finite element method (ANSYS software). The calculations are conducted for two material models: linearly elastic and elastic plastic with bilinear characteristic. On the basis of the obtained results the influence of the shell geometrical parameters and pulse loading parameters on the dynamic response of conical shell structures is analysed and presented in figures showing the relation between the maximal cone deflection and pulse amplitude. The structure sensitivity to the pulse pressure direction is also investigated. Additionally, the absorbed strain energy is calculated as a function of deflection amplitude. The analysis of the calculation results shows that the dynamic response of conical structures subjected to a pulse pressure of finite duration strongly depends on geometrical parameters, material model and the direction of pulse loading. The rational design of conical structures (i.e. proper selection of its geometrical parameters) may reduce the structure sensitivity to pressure direction and distribution and allows the control of the level of energy absorption.
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