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Civil-Comp Proceedings
ISSN 1759-3433 CCP: 89
Paper 173
Non-Linear Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Accumulations in a Porous Seabed D.-S. Jeng
Division of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Physics and Mathematics, University of Dundee, United Kingdom Full Bibliographic Reference for this paper
D.-S. Jeng, "Non-Linear Wave-Induced Pore Pressure Accumulations in a Porous Seabed", in M. Papadrakakis, B.H.V. Topping, (Editors), "Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology", Civil-Comp Press, Stirlingshire, UK, Paper 173, 2008. doi:10.4203/ccp.89.173
Keywords: residual pore pressure, consolidation, marine sediment, wave nonlinearity.
The evaluation of the wave-induced soil response in marine sediments is
particularly important for coastal engineers involved in the design of the
foundations of many marine installations, e.g., offshore mono-piles,
breakwaters, pipelines and platforms etc. Predictions of the wave-induced
excess pore pressure is a key procedure in the analysis of seabed
instability such as liquefaction and scour. Therefore, it is necessary to
have a better understanding of the mechanism of the wave-induced pore
pressure in marine sediments.
In general, two mechanisms for wave-induced pore pressure have been observed in field measurements and laboratory experiments [1]. The first mechanism results from the transient or oscillatory excess pore pressure and is accompanied by attenuation of the amplitude and phase lag in the pore pressure changes [2]. The second mechanism is termed the residual pore pressure, which is the build-up of excess pore pressure caused by contraction of the soil under the action of cyclic loading [3]. Recently, a series of analytical approximations for the wave-induced accumulated pore pressure in marine sediments have been proposed by the author [5]. Both cases of infinite and finite soil layers were considered in the models. A simplified universal formula was proposed for the case of an infinite seabed [4]. However, all these approximations were limited to linear regular wave loadings, although they should be non-linear waves in natural environments. In this paper, the models developed by the author [4,5] are further extended to non-linear wave loadings. The new model is verified with experimental data [6], and provide a better prediction of pore pressure accumulation than the previous solution with linear wave theory. The parametric study concludes that the influence of wave non-linearity increases as wave steepness (H/L) and the residual parameter (alpha) increases. However, an opposite trend is found for another residual parameter (beta). References
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